Jonathan Mack


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United States

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The difference between rendered particles and render views May 31, 2024, 6:27 p.m.

Saving as png is probably destroying the image. Before saving as png, the color is divided by the alpha and clamped. The division and clamping will result in loss of information. I would avoid using pngs for saving any images containing transparency for this reason. They're fine for screenshots and other non-critical content but for vfx work they are unsuitable.
Photoshop should have no problem reading exr, which does not divide by alpha, and which should match the render view more closely.

VEX Rand Function: different seeds, same result? [{SOLVED}] May 22, 2024, 4:41 p.m.


I was exporting a tree from Speedtree and wanted to use the s@hierarchy to generate different colors. I used random_shash on the s@hierarchy to get the seeds.

I noticed I'm getting the same results and I'm wondering if the seed is just too big of a number. I've isolated 3 primitives of my asset with integer values:
0: 389075844
1: 389075843
2: 389075842

...I get the same color when using the rand function with those seeds.

Any tips on getting this to work?


random() for integers, rand() for floats

Will houdini fix this viewport bug in H20.5? May 21, 2024, 12:18 p.m.

did you submit a bug, and if so, does it say 'fixed -- signed off' under status with a note that it will be available in 20.5?