SideFX License Server issues?

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Since the last couple of weeks, I seem to have a lot of issues with Houdini Licensing. I am using SideFX License server since 19.5 now and didn't have issues until recently. Anybody else?

Often when I launch Houdini it tells me that no license can be found. It will then open the License Webpage in which I am logged in. If I open the Launcher I am also logged in. Opening Houdini after that will launch correctly. This also happens quite often now when I render through Deadline. Different tasks of the same job just fail because it doesn't get the license.

Another weird thing is, that I sometimes start Houdini and it starts as HoudiniFX, not Indie. I only notice it because I get the message that it will downgrade to a Limited Commercial version when opening my files which are obviously .hiplc

Very weird. I always have internet when these things happen and since I sometimes have the full FX license instead of simply not having any license it makes it seem like there is something buggy happening.
Does anybody else experience issues with this?
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I tested keeping the Houdini Launcher open in the background and so far it seems to keep the license when I render through Deadline or open the GUI of Houdini.
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Yes! I've been having the exact same problem. Even the weird occasional full fx license. It's super annoying to see that deadline failed all my renders overnight. Or worse... sometimes it seems to revert to apprentice license and all my renders appear to be successful, until I check and see that they are all low-res with a watermark.

I'll try leaving the launcher open to see if that helps here too.

Brad T
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