MtlX Signature prefixes

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I created a MaterialX node (with the vop2mtlx process) which is called "Switch 20" (because is a switch with 20 inputs), so I created the original version with color inputs only and now I manually created the float version of the node, but I noticed that the automatic Signature menu that appears to select which version of the node will be loaded, has an unwanted "20" prefix on the signature name:

And I believe that the names are correct on the mtlx files:

So seems like if there are numbers before the data type name, they are being added as prefix.

This is something silly but, do you know why this is happening and if it is expected? I attached the stdlib files if you want to take a closer look.

Let me know if you need something more,


stdlib.rar (1.3 KB)

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It's probably because you used "-n switch_20" on the command line. I think the MaterialX shader name is derived from the HDA name.

You can change the shader name in the HDA Op Type Properties in Houdini (RMB > Edit Operator Type). In the inputs/outputs there is a shader name for each signature. You can change that to an arbitrary shader name.
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Renaming the signatures on the inputs/outputs section worked pretty well, thanks so much!
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