Dmitriy Zub


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Kiev, Ukraine

Houdini Engine

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Not Specified


obj-image Intermediate
Scatter Rocks around Rocks using Masks
obj-image Intermediate
Procedural Rugelach Cookies
obj-image Intermediate
Procedural Pencil Case
obj-image Intermediate
Procedurally Stack Books within Area Bounds
obj-image Intermediate
Procedural Stylized Wall Lamp Breakdown
obj-image Intermediate
Procedural Sand Clock

Recent Forum Posts

Update existing node menu items with Python 'OnCreaded' 2024年5月6日2:40

Goal: add an item to the Karma LOP -> Image Output -> Filters -> Tonemap menu item and save the updated parameter interface with Python.

Issue: menu item is updated with a new item but parameter interface (parmTemplateGroup()) doesn't save it.
It doesn't show in UI but via print()it shows.

  • Karma LOP.
  • Created script name:
  • Created script location: C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 20.0.653\houdini\scripts\lop

Code I use to add an additional menu item to already existing ones:

# get Karma LOP node
node = kwargs['node']

# get all parameters from Karma LOP
parm_group = node.parmTemplateGroup()

# get 'tonemap' parameter
tone_map_param = node.parm('tonemap')

# get parameters from 'tonemap'
tone_map_template = tone_map_param.parmTemplate()

# Update the menu item template with the new item template
tone_map_template.setMenuItems(tone_map_template.menuItems() + ('AnimGraphLab',))
tone_map_template.setMenuLabels(tone_map_template.menuLabels() + ('AnimGraphLab',))

print(parm_group.find('tonemap').menuLabels()) # ('No Tonemapping', 'Reinhard', 'Ward', 'Unreal', 'Aces', 'Hable', 'Hable2')

# Replace the existing menu template with the updated one
parm_group.replace('tonemap', tone_map_template)

print(parm_group.find('tonemap').menuLabels()) # ('No Tonemapping', 'Reinhard', 'Ward', 'Unreal', 'Aces', 'Hable', 'Hable2', 'AnimGraphLab')

# save Karma LOP parameters layout with new updates

I belive something is with node.setParmTemplateGroup(parm_group)since parm_group.replace()adds a new item.

I've tried to create the exact same menu via StringParmTemplate [] because node.parm('tonemap')type is a String [], and it was updated (image below):

# get Karma LOP node
node = kwargs['node']

# get all parameters from Karma LOP
parm_group = node.parmTemplateGroup()

menu_template = hou.StringParmTemplate(name='tone_map', 
                                     menu_items=('off', 'ward', 'unreal', 'aces', 'eminem'),
                                     menu_labels=('no tonemap', 'ward', 'unreal', 'aces', 'Eminem'),

# insert menu items as a very first paramter
param_to_insert_before = parm_group.find("quicksetup")
parm_group.insertBefore(param_to_insert_before, menu_template)

desired_label = "AnimGraphLab"
existing_labels = menu_template.menuLabels()
if desired_label not in existing_labels:
  new_menu_items = menu_template.menuItems() + (desired_label,)
  new_menu_labels = existing_labels + (desired_label,)

  # Update the menu template

# Update the parameter template group with the modified menu
parm_group.replace('tone_map', menu_template)

# save Karma LOP parameters layout with new updates

What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

Comparing embedded images in an HDA help card? 2024年5月1日3:54

Man having to put the images into a .zip manually is UX horror. They really should've made it work with embedded images and external URLs.

Possibly there's another, proper way that somehow does all those mentioned steps automatically But yeah, using [Image:opdef.?<IMAGE>]would be much more intuitive and expected

P.S. - I've submitted enhancement request.

Comparing embedded images in an HDA help card? 2024年4月30日13:54

After some digging...

Houdini markup page example images are stored at this path: C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 20.0.653\houdini\help(ZIP file) so they're not embedded.

Using the absolute path to images also doesn't work: Qt Error: Not allowed to load local resourceeven though using absolute paths in HDA is inappropriate.

1. SideFX team, please, update Compare Images Markup documentation [] 💛
2. Copy-paste your images inside C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 20.0.653\houdini\help\images.zipZIP file.
2.1. (optional) In ZIP file, create a subfolder like my-mega-custom-folderto store custom images for HDAs.
3. Use your image without opdef.?. Use this: /images/spiderman2.jpg. If using a custom folder: /images/my-mega-custom-folder/spiderman2.jpg
4. Important: close and open Houdini. I believe that this is to compile all files from \houdiniand other folders.
5. Open your help page.
