Paul Griswold

Paul Griswold

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United States

Houdini Engine


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Metapipe for Houdini? 2024年3月23日9:54

Just curious to follow up on my own thread. Any chance one of the extremely folks at SideFX Labs are working on anything in this area? I would love to be able to swap a standard Metahuman head with a custom head and I'm sure for the more technically minded this is trivial. For someone with my skills, it's pretty far outside my comfort zone.

I know Epic has invested in SideFX, so I've been hoping to see more tools being developed outside of things like terrain and prop-related tools.



Long hair grooms? 2024年2月12日12:28


I'm digging in to the various ways to customize Metahumans and one thing I was looking into was creating custom hair. I've found a few good examples, but so far all the examples of either grooming or transferring hair from Houdini to Unreal always use short hair as the example.

I tried to use the same workflow with long hair, and it starts out fine, but as I'm trying to use guidegroom (sculpt mostly) it eventually gets out of control and my attempts to undo what I've managed to do always ends with me starting over.

So, is there a trick or some words of wisdom anyone can share when it comes to creating long (in this case curly) hair?

I feel like this is a good way to quickly customize a Metahuman since the hair is extremely limited in MHC.



Metapipe for Houdini? 2024年2月10日10:38

And, found a nice talk on the subject, although I'm really only interested in transferring a head model over since I'm dealing with all human-like characters: []