Chris Rydalch


About Me

Technical Director


United States

Houdini Engine


Not Specified


obj-image Beginner
Creating USD Assets with Component Builder
obj-image Quick Tips
Keyframe Functions, Extrapolations, and Box Handles
obj-image Intermediate
IFD Workflow Basics
obj-image Beginner
Mantra Light Instancing Basics

My Talks

obj-image Houdini HIVE
Creating USD Assets with Component Builder

Recent Forum Posts

possible randomize particle radius in solaris? 2024年5月4日14:05

Yes you can set the Attribute Wrangle to Run on Elements of Array Attributes, and set or adjust attributes/primvars as needed. Python could also work, but you'd probably want to use Numpy to be performant.

Referenced usd files using env vars exports incorrect paths. 2024年4月26日16:36

I would look into how you're launching husk, as these search paths should always be setup internally. There isn't any env var you need to set. If you can repro the problem with a vanilla, basic setup, please log a bug for it. Thanks!

Referenced usd files using env vars exports incorrect paths. 2024年4月25日16:39

Paths that use $HFS (and $HH is the same as $HFS/houdini), are turned into 'search paths'; you can recognize search paths because they don't start with a period, slash, or drive letter. This was done intentionally to avoid making fragile absolute or relative paths that point to things that ship with Houdini. Houdini automatically adds $HFS as a search path, so it can find these assets automatically.