Mohamed Mahmoud


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Houdini Engine


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HDA To Maya - Cooking Geometry 2023年12月18日5:39

I cached my simulation using File Cache, then I turned it into an HDA asset to import into Maya.

Now I'm facing an issue where I can't scrub through the timeline, even though the simulation is cached .... Any help would be appreciated.

Houdini Engine to Maya / Cooking Geometry / Slow Playback 2023年12月12日8:49

After importing my HDA particle simulation to Maya, I can't slide over the timeslider as it keeps saying cooking geometry.

Any solutions?

RBD Spherical Glass to Maya ... Cracks are showing. 2023年11月7日11:28

So I did a whole workflow on Houdini for a fracture in a spherical glass.

This is the workflow I did.

Image Not Found

This is the current problem at hand after a fellow advised to fix Normals from Houdini and export to Alembic instead.

Now I'm left with this.

Image Not Found

Quality is better now with the Normals fixed, but the cracks are still showing.

Anyone has a clue how to export the Connected Faces / Disconnected Faces nodes to the Alembic to fix this issue... Or any other solution or workaround would do.

Thanks in advance.