Tomas Slancik


About Me

Advertising / Motion Graphics


New York, United States

Houdini Skills


I am currently employed at Method Studios

Recent Forum Posts

vex for loop "i" doesn't seem to change ? what have I done?(SOLVED) 2024年5月15日21:20

in your code you are just overwriting the num, one, two, three variables each iteration. so you will be left with the last one
the fact that the second code seems to work is that you stop at @ptnum-1 which at least will give you different value per point even though I assume not correct one since you are not only using @ptnum-1 as your center point, but also assuming that your geo has only a single curve with points ordered by vertex order, which is not a safe assumption generally and sampling primpoints array at the index @ptnum-1 is therefore pretty random or heavily dpendent on perfect conditions of the input geo

here is a code that may work better:
int nbrs[] = neighbours(0, @ptnum);

foreach( int nbr; nbrs){
    vector nbrP = point(0, "P", nbr);
    float edge_length = distance( v@P, nbrP );
    append( f[]@edge_lengths, edge_length );

f@min_edge_length = min( f@edge_lengths );

cant seem to figure out how to animate a attribute randomize 2024年5月13日1:58

you don't have to learn every node, there is usually more than 1 solution
you can also animate Global Scale on your attribute randomize, from 0 to your current value instead

MaterialX in Houdini vs everywhere else? 2024年5月9日0:51

At this point Id assume every implementation has limits, for example last time I checked Karma XPU supported only up to 2 standard surfaces being mixed and did not support building shaders from Bsdf nodes

So its always good to find out the extends of MtlX support in any particular DCC rather than automatically assuming full support