An in-depth look at the transform node.

As well as detailing all the features of the transform node this tutorial includes an introduction to the parameters window, creating custom parameters, using variables in expressions and creating a simple HDA (Houdini Digital Asset) which is a tool you can create, reuse and share.

If you want to recreate the scene shown here I have provided the Dutch House models shown in the video, which you can download below. There is also a copy of the completed scene and HDA.



Houdini Kitchen tutorials are aimed at experienced 3D artists who are new to Houdini, and focus on creating procedural geometry for video games. Each tutorial covers a single node or concept, and will usually finish with a demonstration of how that tool might be used in asset creation. There are easier ways to use Houdini – commonly used nodes can be set up automatically using shelf tools, and useful networks are now embedded in higher level nodes – but I believe that to be able to fully harness the power of Houdini it is important to understand the basics. I have worked as a Technical Artist in the Video Game industry for 15 years, and my credits include Killzone 2 & 3, The Getaway 1 & 2 and Playstation VR Worlds. I have been learning Houdini since 2005, and have been using it in production for the last 5 years. I also have a degree in Archaeology and have completed several 3D projects for the British Museum.

More from Susie Green


  • OneBigTree 4 years, 5 months ago  | 

    These tuts are really helpful even if you don't do game stuff.

  • OneBigTree 4 years, 3 months ago  | 

    The $Size and $BB variables don't exist anymore, or do they?

    • OneBigTree 4 years, 3 months ago  | 

      nvm, only doesn't work with Center params in other objecrts

  • prooxy2500 4 years, 3 months ago  | 

    Anyone know what the $CEX wouldn't/doesn't do anything for a platonic solid?

  • prooxy2500 4 years, 3 months ago  | 

    The files in the download didn't allow me to use a file node to pull the single building geo

    For those doing this and use a geometry of their own. What she means by "you can use any geometry as long it does not sit at the origin"

    If you just tab and click enter dropping a geo at center origin you will want to change its x y and z position.
    This way when you are on the transform node

    things like $ce x y and z will move the object back to the origin..

    I felt this was easy to be confused with at first.

  • prooxy2500 4 years, 3 months ago  | 

    when adding the reference to the width param she doesn't say it and you may miss what she does and get frustrated.

    She puts a multiply then paste relative reference.

    If you do not click twice in the field to make sure it is waiting input and only right clicked to paste it will screw it up. You also need to make sure you add the multiply.


  • Sense42 4 years, 1 month ago  | 

    It looks like that for this to work properly you have to tick the box "Use menu item token as value" when you define all the value in the width menu. At least for me with Houdini 18.0.416

  • Bontempos 3 years, 6 months ago  | 

    Content is great but SideFX editing the video by adding some notes regarding any convention or UI upgrades would help newcomers a lot.

    • LostBoysInteractive 1 month, 1 week ago  | 

      +1 to this, this tutorial is years old now, the file node doesn't even show up by default in a new geometry node in my version

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