License API

API methods

The license API let you generate non-commercial license keys

license.get_non_commercial_license(server_name, server_code, version, products)

Returns licenses and server keys for a non commercial product. It requires the following parameters:


Your server name


Your server code


(Optional) The major version of Houdini, e.g. 19.5, 20.0. If no version is passed this function will use the latest version publicly available. Please note that only the currently supported version of Houdini are accepted.


A list of non-commercial products you want to generate licenses for. Could be a single product like 'HOUDINI-NC' or a comma-separated list like 'HOUDINI-NC;RENDER-NC'. Possible options are HOUDINI-NC or RENDER-NC.

Example return value:

    'license_keys': [
        'LICENSE Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 20.0 1 02-dec-2025 +.+.+.+ servername bbcfa4a7 GSqzOS7ps8hyVsEgShoL6uxLNotvITbmK7Zi8u5fBe5N5jsdrSIWPW6fKs2sGZhw7z@+UN9a6MXY80'
    'server_key': 'SERVER servername 12345678 254877f2ae435a00f7d3e0659c4767c1cf47b9ab2316f'

API usage example

Here is a python example showing how to retrieve the latest linux daily build using our python library (see: Python Reference Implementation), you first need to download the file:

import sidefx

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Relevant part of the example starts here.

    # This service object retrieve a token using your Application ID and secret
    service = sidefx.service(
        client_id='your OAuth application ID',
        client_secret_key='your OAuth application secret',

    license_strings = service.license.get_non_commercial_license(
        server_name='servername', server_code='12345678', version='20.0', products='HOUDINI-NC')