This is the complete list of members for COP_Node_Common, including all inherited members.
abortCook() | COP_Node_Common | static |
cleanUpAllRegions()=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
clearWorkingThreadId(int thread_index) | COP_Node_Common | static |
close(short key)=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
cookFlipbook(const TIL_Sequence &info, int step=1, float gamma=1.0f, const char *lut=0, bool startnew=true, bool(*updateCallback)(void *)=0, void *updateEntity=0, bool write_houdini_frame=true, const char *session_label=NULL, const UT_StringHolder &ocio_ospace=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_look=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_display=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_view=UT_StringHolder()) | COP_Node_Common | |
cookToFile(const UT_StringArray &filenames, const IMG_TileOptions *, const TIL_Sequence *scope, const UT_IntArray &image_index, const UT_StringHolder &ocio_ospace=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_look=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_display=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_view=UT_StringHolder(), const char *uselut=0, float gamma=1.0F, UT_InclusiveRect *bounds=0, bool single_frame=false, bool thread_io=false, bool env_map=false, bool use_progress_dialog=true) | COP_Node_Common | |
cookToFile(const UT_StringArray &filenames, const IMG_TileOptions *, OP_Context &context, const UT_IntArray &image_index, const char *cplane, const char *aplane=0, const UT_StringHolder &ocio_ospace=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_look=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_display=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_view=UT_StringHolder(), const char *uselut=0, float gamma=1.0F, UT_InclusiveRect *bounds=0, bool single_frame=false, bool thread_io=false, bool env_map=false, bool use_progress_dialog=true) | COP_Node_Common | |
cookToRaster(UT_ValArray< TIL_Raster * > &rasters, UT_ValArray< OP_Context * > &contexts, UT_ValArray< const TIL_Plane * > &planes, UT_IntArray &array_index, UT_ValArray< const int * > &comp_map, UT_Array< UT_InclusiveRect > &bounds, int subregion=1, int clear=1, float black=0.0F, float white=1.0F, int compindex=-1, int ignore_bwpoints=0, float gamma=1.0F, bool interactive=false, UT_ValArray< TIL_Raster * > *tiles=0, int tile_index=0, TIL_TileMPlay *=0, bool cleanup_after=true, const UT_StringHolder &ocio_ospace=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_look=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_display=UT_StringHolder(), const UT_StringHolder &ocio_view=UT_StringHolder())=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
COP_Node_Common() | COP_Node_Common | |
getColorPlaneName() | COP_Node_Common | static |
getImageBounds(const TIL_Plane *plane, int array, float t, int xres, int yres, int thread, int &x1, int &y1, int &x2, int &y2)=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
getInterrupt() | COP_Node_Common | static |
getNumThreadsToUse() const =0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
getOp()=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
getPercentageComplete(int num_extra_tiles_cooked) const =0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
getSequence()=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
getThreadID(int thread) | COP_Node_Common | |
getThreadIndex() const | COP_Node_Common | |
getUpdateCallback() | COP_Node_Common | static |
isCookAborted() | COP_Node_Common | static |
isCookAborted(int thread_index) | COP_Node_Common | |
isInterrupted(int thread)=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
open(short &key, int clear_errors=0)=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
raiseImageTooLargeError()=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
resetAbortFlag() | COP_Node_Common | static |
setInterrupt(UT_Interrupt *) | COP_Node_Common | static |
setInterrupted(int)=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
setUpdateCallback(UpdateCallback updateCallback) | COP_Node_Common | static |
setWorkingThreadId(int thread_index) | COP_Node_Common | static |
waitForLastFile()=0 | COP_Node_Common | pure virtual |
~COP_Node_Common() | COP_Node_Common | inlinevirtual |