This is the complete list of members for DM_VPortAgent, including all inherited members.
actionKeyEcho(const char *, const char *custom_suffix=0) | UI_Object | static |
addDependent(UI_Object *who) | UI_Object | |
addKeyDelegateClientship(UI_KeyDelegate *) | UI_Object | |
applyEnvMapOverride(RE_Render *r) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
boxPickComponent(RE_Render *r, const UT_DimRect &area, uint8 *texture, UT_Array< GR_PickRecord > &pick_records, bool sort_records, unsigned pickmask, GEO_PrimTypeCompat::TypeMask pmask, bool visible_only, bool contained, bool interactive, const GUI_DetailList *geos) | DM_VPortAgent | |
boxPickObject(RE_Render *r, const UT_DimRect &area, uint8 *texture, UT_Array< GR_PickRecord > &pick_records, bool visible_only, bool wholy_contained, const GUI_DetailList *geos) | DM_VPortAgent | |
buildFullPath(UT_WorkBuffer &string) const | UI_Object | |
bumpQueueCount(int dir) | UI_Object | inline |
changeType(UI_Object *by, DM_ViewportType new_type) | DM_VPortAgent | |
checkAndClearTransientFloorFlag() | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
className() const | UI_Object | inlinevirtual |
cleanupBackfaceAndWinding(RE_Render *r, int setup_flags) | DM_VPortAgent | |
cleanupGeometry(RE_RenderContext r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
cleanupLights() | DM_VPortAgent | |
cleanupViewport() | DM_VPortAgent | |
cleanupViewUniforms(RE_RenderContext rc) | DM_VPortAgent | |
cleanupViewUniformsGL(RE_Render *r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
close() | DM_VPortAgent | |
collectGPUTimers(RE_Render *r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
copyBeautyToTexture(RE_Render *r, UT_DimRect src_area, RE_Texture *dst_texture, int dst_layer) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
currentCamera() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
currentDetail() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
currentDetail() | DM_VPortAgent | |
debugQueueEventsFor(const UI_Value *value, const char *name, UI_EventType t=UI_EVENT_NO_EVENT) const | UI_Object | |
deleteReferences(UI_Object *to_whom) | UI_Object | virtual |
dependents() const | UI_Object | inline |
dependents() | UI_Object | inlineprotected |
distributeEvent(UI_Event *event, int upwards) | UI_Object | |
dm_SetupTask class | DM_VPortAgent | friend |
DM_VPortAgent(DM_SceneManager &app, DM_Viewport *display, GUI_ViewState *view, DM_ViewportType type=DM_VIEWPORT_PERSPECTIVE) | DM_VPortAgent | |
doRender(RE_Render *r, int x, int y) | DM_VPortAgent | |
drawBackground(bool draw) | DM_VPortAgent | |
extractColorImage(RE_RenderContext r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
extractDepthImage(RE_RenderContext r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
fastSetupGeometry(RE_RenderContext r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
generateEvent(UI_EventType t, UI_Object *target) | UI_Object | |
getAllLights() const | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
getBeautyLUT() | DM_VPortAgent | |
getBeautyPassDepthImage(RE_Render *r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
getBeautyPassDepthTexture(RE_Render *r, bool resolve_aa=true) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getBeautyPassHDR() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getBeautyPassImage(RE_Render *r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
getBeautyPassTexture(RE_Render *r, bool resolve_aa=true) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getBoundingBox(UT_BoundingBox &bbox, const UT_Matrix3R *rot, bool non_templated_only, bool skip_view_cam, const DM_Viewport &viewport) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getComponentPickBuffers(UT_SharedPtr< RE_Texture > &pickhigh, UT_SharedPtr< RE_Texture > &picklow, UT_SharedPtr< RE_Texture > &depth) | DM_VPortAgent | |
getComponentPickGeos(const GUI_DetailList *looks, unsigned int xray_pickmask, UT_Array< GUI_GeoRender * > &out_all_geos, UT_Array< GUI_GeoRender * > &out_xray_geos) | DM_VPortAgent | |
getCurrentDetail() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getDetailLook(int look_id, const GUI_DetailList *geos) | DM_VPortAgent | |
getDetailLook(int node_id) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getDetailLookByIndex(int index) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getDetails() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getDetails() | DM_VPortAgent | |
getDisplay() const | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
getDisplay() | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
getFloorInterface() const | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
getFloorInterface() | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
getFogVolumeTexture() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getFramebufferUsageKB(bool hdr, bool hql, bool trans, int aa) | DM_VPortAgent | |
getHomeAxis() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getInputQueue() | UI_Object | inlinestatic |
getLightingPass() const | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
getManager() | UI_Object | inlinestatic |
getName() const | UI_Object | |
getNumOpaqueObjects() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getNumTransparentObjects() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getNumUnlitObjects() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getNumXRayObjects() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getObjectPickGeos(const GUI_DetailList *looks, UT_Array< GUI_GeoRender * > &out_all_geos, UT_Array< GUI_GeoRender * > &out_xray_geos, UT_Array< GUI_GeoRender * > &out_xray_sec_geos) | DM_VPortAgent | |
getOpaqueObject(int index) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getParent() const | UI_Object | inline |
getProxyId() | UI_Object | |
getRandomDitherTexture(RE_Render *r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
getRotoViewType() | DM_VPortAgent | |
getSceneVersion(fpreal t, bool shadow, bool &timedep) | DM_VPortAgent | |
getTransparencyLayers(RE_RenderContext r, const GUI_DisplayOption *disp) | DM_VPortAgent | |
getTransparentObject(int index) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getUniqueId() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getUnlitObject(int index) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getViewStateRef() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getViewStateRef() | DM_VPortAgent | |
getViewType() const | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
getXRayObject(int index) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
getZBufferTransform(float zt[2], RE_Light *light=NULL) | DM_VPortAgent | |
handleDisplayOptionEvent(UI_Event *e) | DM_VPortAgent | |
handleEvent(UI_Event *event) | UI_Object | virtual |
handleLocateEvent(UI_Event *e) | DM_VPortAgent | |
handleNewGeometryEvent(UI_Event *e) | DM_VPortAgent | |
handleViewParameterEvent(UI_Event *e) | DM_VPortAgent | |
hasDependents() const | UI_Object | inline |
hasLocates() | DM_VPortAgent | |
hooks() const | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
initFogVolume(RE_Render *r, DM_Viewport *vport, GUI_FogMode fog, const RE_Texture *zdepth) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
initGPUTimers(RE_Render *r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
interestedInValue(UI_Value *) | UI_Object | |
interestingEvent(UI_EventType t, UI_DeviceEvent *event) const | UI_Object | virtual |
invalidatePickBuffers() | DM_VPortAgent | |
isActiveRender() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
isAncestor(const UI_Object *who) const | UI_Object | |
isDependent(UI_Object *who) const | UI_Object | |
isGeoSetup() const | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
isLopsView() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
isOrtho() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
isToolbarLinked() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
keycmp(const char *, int key) | UI_Object | static |
keycmp(const char *, int key, const UI_HotkeyEcho &) | UI_Object | static |
keyEcho(const char *, const UI_HotkeyEcho &) | UI_Object | static |
markGeoSetup(bool setup, DM_Viewport *setup_port=NULL) | DM_VPortAgent | |
modeler() const | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
needsOverlayRender() const | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
needsToDrawFloor() const | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
operator=(const UI_Object &)=delete | UI_Object | |
overlayRender(RE_Render *r, int x, int y) | DM_VPortAgent | |
overlayRenderFloor(RE_Render *r, int x, int y) | DM_VPortAgent | |
postCleanupGeometry(RE_Render *r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
prepareABufferFront(RE_RenderContext r, int nsamples) | DM_VPortAgent | |
prepareStencilRouting(RE_RenderContext r, int nsamples) | DM_VPortAgent | |
preSetupGeometry(RE_Render *r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
preTerminateCallback() | UI_Object | inlineprotectedvirtual |
purgeEvents(UI_EventType t, UI_Object *target, UI_EventMethod method=0) | UI_Object | |
RasterPtr typedef | DM_VPortAgent | |
refresh() const | DM_VPortAgent | |
relayEvent(UI_Event *event, UI_Object *target) | UI_Object | |
removeDependent(UI_Object *who) | UI_Object | |
removeKeyDelegateClientship(UI_KeyDelegate *) | UI_Object | |
removeValueInterest(UI_Value *) | UI_Object | |
renderBackgroundImage(RE_RenderContext r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
renderDecorations(RE_RenderContext r, GUI_DisplayOption *dispopt, bool hover_decorations) | DM_VPortAgent | |
renderFloor(RE_RenderContext r, int x, int y) | DM_VPortAgent | |
renderForegroundImage(RE_RenderContext r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
renderGeometry(RE_RenderContext r, GR_RenderMode render_type, GR_ShadingPass shade_pass, GR_AlphaPass apass, OP_Bundle *visible_objs=NULL, DM_GeoSortMode sort=DM_GEO_UNSORTED) | DM_VPortAgent | |
renderHandles(RE_Render *r, int x, int y, unsigned mask) | DM_VPortAgent | |
renderSingleGeo(RE_RenderContext r, GUI_GeoRender *gr, GR_RenderMode render_type, GR_ShadingPass shading_pass, GR_AlphaPass ap, bool init_lights, bool treat_uv_viewport_as_3d=false, GR_ThreadingPass thread_mode=GR_THREADING_SINGLE) | DM_VPortAgent | |
renderSomeGeometry(RE_RenderContext r, int x, int y, const UT_Array< OP_Node * > &nodes, const UT_IntArray *detail_indexes, GR_RenderMode render_type, GR_ShadingPass shade_pass, GR_AlphaPass apass, bool do_geometry_setup) | DM_VPortAgent | |
renderToVulkanImages() | DM_VPortAgent | |
renderVulkan(RE_RenderContext r, UT_Vector2i res) | DM_VPortAgent | |
replaceDependent(UI_Object *who, UI_Object *with) | UI_Object | |
requestDraw() | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
resetForNew() | DM_VPortAgent | |
resolveBeautyColorPass(RE_Render *r, RE_Texture *aa_color, RE_Texture *aa_depth, RE_Texture *aa_nml, bool xray) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
resolveDepthBuffer(RE_Render *r, RE_Texture *aa_depth_tex, RE_Texture *depth_tex) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
sendEvent(const UI_Event &e) const | UI_Object | |
setBeautyPassConsolidate(bool con) | DM_VPortAgent | |
setGlobalLightArray(const UT_Array< OBJ_Ambient * > &l) | DM_VPortAgent | |
setGlobalLightArray(const UT_ValArray< RE_Light * > &l) | DM_VPortAgent | |
setLightingPass(GR_LightingPass p) | DM_VPortAgent | inline |
setName(const char *symbolName) | UI_Object | |
setParent(UI_Object *p) | UI_Object | inline |
setupBackfaceAndWinding(RE_Render *r, const GUI_DisplayOption *opts) | DM_VPortAgent | |
setupGeometry(RE_RenderContext r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
setupLights(RE_RenderContext r, GUI_DisplayOption *opt) | DM_VPortAgent | |
setupViewport() | DM_VPortAgent | |
setupViewUniforms(RE_RenderContext rc) | DM_VPortAgent | |
setupViewUniformsGL(RE_Render *r) | DM_VPortAgent | |
shouldHideAsViewCamObject(const DM_Viewport &vport, const GUI_DetailLook &look) | DM_VPortAgent | static |
shouldHideAsViewCamObject(const DM_Viewport &vport, const OBJ_Node &node) | DM_VPortAgent | static |
singlePickComponent(RE_Render *r, int x, int y, GR_PickRecord &result, unsigned pickmask, GEO_PrimTypeCompat::TypeMask pmask, fpreal *depth, const GUI_DetailList *geos, bool enable_occlusion, bool handle_pick_radius) | DM_VPortAgent | |
singlePickHandle(RE_Render *r, int x, int y, GR_PickRecord &result, fpreal *depth) | DM_VPortAgent | |
singlePickObject(RE_Render *r, int x, int y, GR_PickRecord &result, const GR_ObjectPickFlags &pick_flags, fpreal *depth, const GUI_DetailList *geos) | DM_VPortAgent | |
singleSnapComponent(RE_Render *r, int x, int y, bool hide_selected, bool enable_occlusion, bool do_current, bool do_xray, bool do_guides, bool extend_floor, GR_PickRecord &result, UT_Vector2i *result_offset, UT_Array< GR_PickRecord > &near_results, unsigned pickmask, int gravity, GEO_PrimTypeCompat::TypeMask pmask, const GUI_DetailList *geos=NULL) | DM_VPortAgent | |
singleSnapPeanut(RE_Render *r, int x, int y, bool hide_selected, bool enable_occlusion, bool do_xray, bool do_guides, bool extend_floor, GR_PickRecord &result, UT_Vector2i *result_offset, unsigned pickmask, GEO_PrimTypeCompat::TypeMask pmask, const GUI_DetailList *geos=NULL) | DM_VPortAgent | |
snapGeometry(RE_RenderContext r, int x, int y, int pnt_rad, int edge_rad, int face_rad, bool occlusion, bool orient_normals, DM_SnapSelection snap_sel, UT_Vector3D &p, UT_Vector3D &n, int64 serial) | DM_VPortAgent | |
startPerfMonTimer(RE_RenderContext r, RE_GPUTimer &timer, const char *msg) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
stopPerfMonTimer(RE_RenderContext r, RE_GPUTimer &timer) const | DM_VPortAgent | |
toggleKeyEcho(const char *, bool new_value) | UI_Object | static |
triggerImmediateEvent(UI_Event *event, int upwards) | UI_Object | |
UI_Object() | UI_Object | |
UI_Object(const UI_Object &)=delete | UI_Object | |
updateAttributeOptions(const GU_DetailHandle &gdh) | DM_VPortAgent | |
updateTimeDependentLook(fpreal t) | DM_VPortAgent | |
valueInterests() const | UI_Object | inline |
~DM_VPortAgent() override | DM_VPortAgent | |
~UI_Object() | UI_Object | virtual |