This is the complete list of members for GQ_Detail, including all inherited members.
aboveOrBelow(GQ_Face *face) | GQ_Detail | |
adjacentFace(const GEO_Face &face, int edge) | GQ_Detail | |
appendEdge() | GQ_Detail | inline |
appendFace(GEO_PrimPoly *poly) | GQ_Detail | |
appendPoint(const GQ_Point *src=0) | GQ_Detail | |
boundary() | GQ_Detail | |
bricker(fpreal sizex=1.0, fpreal sizey=1.0, fpreal sizez=1.0, fpreal offx=0.0, fpreal offy=0.0, fpreal offz=0.0, fpreal anglex=0.0, fpreal angley=0.0, fpreal anglez=0.0, bool fixsharededges=false) | GQ_Detail | |
buildCreases(GA_PrimitiveGroup *group=0) | GQ_Detail | |
buildGeometry(GA_PrimitiveGroup *output=NULL) | GQ_Detail | |
buildRay() | GQ_Detail | inline |
clearAndDestroy() | GQ_Detail | |
clip(UT_Vector3 &norm, fpreal distance, int normalize) | GQ_Detail | |
collapseEdgeList() | GQ_Detail | inline |
collapseFaceList() | GQ_Detail | inline |
copyEdgeWeightToVertex() | GQ_Detail | |
crease(UT_Vector3 &norm, fpreal distance, int normalize, int outputGroups, GA_PrimitiveGroup *primitive_above=0, GA_PrimitiveGroup *primitive_below=0) | GQ_Detail | |
createBoundaryGroup(GA_Group *grp) | GQ_Detail | |
createBoundaryGroup(GA_PointGroup &grp, UT_IntArray *arr) | GQ_Detail | |
createBoundaryGroup(GA_Offset ppt, GA_PointGroup &pointgroup) | GQ_Detail | |
createBoundaryGroup(const GA_Edge &edge, GA_PointGroup &grp, GEO_PrimPoly *&poly) | GQ_Detail | |
createBoundaryList(UT_Array< UT_IntArray > &ptlist) | GQ_Detail | |
createCuspGroup(GA_Group *group, bool doMinAngle, fpreal minAngle, bool doMaxAngle, fpreal maxAngle) | GQ_Detail | |
createEdgeWeights() | GQ_Detail | |
cusp(fpreal angle, bool no_cut=false) | GQ_Detail | |
cusp(const GA_EdgeGroup &edges, bool do_cut=false) | GQ_Detail | |
decCollapse(GQ_Edge *e, GA_PrimitiveGroup *) | GQ_Detail | |
decSplit(GQ_Edge *e) | GQ_Detail | |
decSwap(GQ_Edge *e) | GQ_Detail | |
deleteAllShareEdges() | GQ_Detail | |
deleteShareEdge(GQ_Edge *edge, GA_PrimitiveGroup *deletePrimGroup=0) | GQ_Detail | |
dual(const char *attribs_to_swap=NULL) | GQ_Detail | |
findEdge(const GA_Edge *edge, const GU_Detail *edge_gdp) | GQ_Detail | |
findEdge(const GA_Edge *edge) | GQ_Detail | inline |
findEdge(const GQ_Point *org, const GQ_Point *dest) | GQ_Detail | |
getDetail() const | GQ_Detail | inline |
getEdgeList() | GQ_Detail | inline |
getEdgeList() const | GQ_Detail | inline |
getEdgePoints() | GQ_Detail | inline |
getEdgePoints() const | GQ_Detail | inline |
getEdgeWeight(const GA_Edge &edge) | GQ_Detail | |
getEdgeWeight(exint edge_index) const | GQ_Detail | |
getEdgeWeights() | GQ_Detail | inline |
getEdgeWeights() const | GQ_Detail | inline |
getFaceList() | GQ_Detail | inline |
getFaceList() const | GQ_Detail | inline |
getGdp() | GQ_Detail | inline |
getGdp() const | GQ_Detail | inline |
getOffsets() | GQ_Detail | inline |
getPointList() | GQ_Detail | inline |
getPointList() const | GQ_Detail | inline |
getRay() | GQ_Detail | inline |
GQ_Detail(GU_Detail *gdp, GA_PrimitiveGroup *=0, fpreal super_point_tolerance=1E-6) | GQ_Detail | |
groupEdgePoints(GA_Offset ptoff, int depth, GA_PointGroup &point_group) | GQ_Detail | |
isClose() | GQ_Detail | |
makeWire(fpreal radius, const GA_Attribute *radscale, bool dospheres, bool docaps) | GQ_Detail | |
nEdges() const | GQ_Detail | inline |
nFaces() const | GQ_Detail | inline |
nPoints() const | GQ_Detail | inline |
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GQ_Detail &d) | GQ_Detail | friend |
operator=(const UT_NonCopyable &)=delete | UT_NonCopyableNS::UT_NonCopyable | private |
pickArbitraryConnectedPointOffset(GA_Offset org) | GQ_Detail | |
pointSphere(GQ_Point *pt, fpreal radius, const GA_ROHandleF &radscale_h) | GQ_Detail | |
removeEdge(GQ_Edge *e) | GQ_Detail | |
removeEdge(int i) | GQ_Detail | |
removeFace(GQ_Face *f) | GQ_Detail | |
removeFace(int i) | GQ_Detail | |
removePoint(GQ_Point *p) | GQ_Detail | |
removePoint(int i) | GQ_Detail | |
rotateAboutOriginOffset(GA_Edge &edge, int dir) | GQ_Detail | |
save(std::ostream &os) const | GQ_Detail | |
setCreaseWeight(const GEO_PrimPoly &poly, fpreal weight) | GQ_Detail | |
setCreaseWeight(const GEO_PrimPoly &poly, GA_ROHandleF vtxattrib, GA_ROHandleF primattrib) | GQ_Detail | |
setCreaseWeight(const GA_Edge &edge, const GU_Detail &edge_gdp, fpreal weight) | GQ_Detail | |
setCreaseWeight(const GA_Edge &gedge, const GA_Primitive &prim, GA_ROHandleF vtxattrib, GA_ROHandleF primattrib) | GQ_Detail | |
setEdgeWeight(exint edge_index, fpreal weight) | GQ_Detail | |
simpleDecimate(int targetPolys) | GQ_Detail | |
smooth(int divisions, fpreal relativeSize, fpreal weight) | GQ_Detail | |
splitEdge(GQ_Edge *edge, fpreal t) | GQ_Detail | |
splitEdge(GQ_Edge *, GQ_Point &pt) | GQ_Detail | |
stepForwardOffset(const GA_Edge *edge) | GQ_Detail | |
stitch(const GQ_StitchParms &parms) | GQ_Detail | |
stitchEdges(GEO_PrimPoly &polya, const UT_Array< GEO_PrimPoly * > &facea, GEO_PrimPoly &polyb, const UT_Array< GEO_PrimPoly * > &faceb, GA_PrimitiveGroup &changedpolys, fpreal tol, int clamp, int consolidate) | GQ_Detail | |
subdivide(const GQ_SubdivideParms &parms, GA_PrimitiveGroup *nonsubdivprims) | GQ_Detail | |
unHole(int maintain) | GQ_Detail | |
UT_NonCopyable()=default | UT_NonCopyableNS::UT_NonCopyable | private |
UT_NonCopyable(const UT_NonCopyable &)=delete | UT_NonCopyableNS::UT_NonCopyable | private |
wireEdge(GQ_Edge *edge, fpreal radius, const GA_ROHandleF &radscale_h, bool doCaps) | GQ_Detail | |
~GQ_Detail() | GQ_Detail | |
~UT_NonCopyable()=default | UT_NonCopyableNS::UT_NonCopyable | private |