This is the complete list of members for GU_Selection, including all inherited members.
allocSelection(GA_GroupType type) | GU_Selection | protectedstatic |
appendDone() | GU_Selection | inline |
appendElem(GA_Index id1, GA_Index id2=GA_INVALID_INDEX, GA_Index id3=GA_INVALID_INDEX, GA_Index id4=GA_INVALID_INDEX) | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
assign(const GU_Detail &src_gd, const GU_Selection &src_sel)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
breakpoints(const GU_Detail &gd) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
classType() const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
clear() | GU_Selection | virtual |
clearAndDestroy() | GU_Selection | virtual |
clone()=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
dump(std::ostream &os) const | GU_Selection | |
edges(const GU_Detail &gd) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
entries() const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
filterByPrimitiveMask(const GU_Detail &gd, const GA_PrimitiveTypeMask &mask)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
forceSpecificRevision(int revision) | GU_Selection | inlineprotected |
generateElementString(UT_String &sel_string, const GU_Detail &gdp, exint element_index, GA_Index prim_offset=0, GA_Index point_offset=0) const | GU_Selection | |
generateSelectionString(UT_String &sel_string, const GU_Detail &gdp, bool ordered, bool collapse_where_possible, bool use_ast_to_select_all, bool force_numeric, GA_Index prim_offset=0, GA_Index point_offset=0) const | GU_Selection | |
getBoundingBox(const GU_Detail &gd, UT_BoundingBox &bbox) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
getBoundingBox(const GU_Detail &gd, UT_BoundingBox &bbox, const UT_Matrix4R &transform) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
getBoundingBoxUV(const GU_Detail &gd, UT_BoundingBox &bbox, const char *name, int isvertex) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
getGroup(const GU_Detail &gd, bool &needs_update) const | GU_Selection | inlineprotected |
getGroupTokenString(UT_WorkBuffer &buf) const | GU_Selection | |
getGroupTokensValid() const | GU_Selection | inline |
getId() const | GU_Selection | inline |
getMemoryUsage(bool inclusive) const | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
getRevision() const | GU_Selection | inline |
getUsePrimEdges() const | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
group(const GU_Detail &gd, GA_GroupType type) | GU_Selection | |
growSelection(const GU_Detail &gd, bool checkuv, const UT_StringHolder &uvattribname="uv"_UTsh)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
GU_Selection(const GU_Selection &s) | GU_Selection | protected |
GU_Selection() | GU_Selection | protected |
hasBreakpointIndexSet(GA_Index prim_index, int u_index, int v_index=-1) const | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
hasEdgeIndexPair(GA_Index p0, GA_Index p1) const | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
hasPointIndex(GA_Index index) const | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
hasPrimEdgeIndexSet(GA_Index p0, GA_Index p1, GA_Index pr) const | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
hasPrimitiveIndex(GA_Index index) const | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
hasVertexIndex(GA_Index index) const | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
hiddenPrimitives(const GU_Detail &gd) | GU_Selection | protectedstatic |
initGroupString(const GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Group &group, const char *group_string) | GU_Selection | |
load(UT_JSONParser &p, bool restore_id_and_rev=true) | GU_Selection | |
loadElements(UT_JSONParser &p)=0 | GU_Selection | protectedpure virtual |
mainGroup(const GU_Detail &gd) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
modifyBreakpoint(const GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Breakpoint &bkp, GU_ModifyType type)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
modifyDone(const GU_Detail &gd) | GU_Selection | |
modifyEdge(const GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Edge &edge, const GEO_Primitive *prim, GU_ModifyType type)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
modifyGroup(const GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Group &group, GU_SelectionRule rule) | GU_Selection | |
modifyGroupToken(const char *token, GU_SelectionRule rule) | GU_Selection | |
modifyMatchingGroup(const GU_Detail &gd, const GA_Group &group, GU_SelectionRule rule)=0 | GU_Selection | protectedpure virtual |
modifyPoint(const GU_Detail &gd, GA_Offset ptoff, GU_ModifyType type)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
modifyPrimitive(const GU_Detail &gd, GA_Offset primoff, GU_ModifyType type)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
modifyVertex(const GU_Detail &gd, GA_Offset vtxoff, GU_ModifyType type)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
newCookSelection(GU_Detail &gdp, GA_GroupType type, bool ordered) | GU_Selection | static |
newCookSelection(GU_Detail &gdp, GA_Group &group) | GU_Selection | static |
newSelection(GU_SelectionType stype) | GU_Selection | static |
newSelection(GA_GroupType type) | GU_Selection | static |
newSelection(const GU_Detail &dst_gdp, const GU_Detail &src_gdp, const GU_Selection &src_sel) | GU_Selection | static |
pickOrder() const | GU_Selection | inline |
pickPath() const | GU_Selection | inline |
points(const GU_Detail &gd) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
primitives(const GU_Detail &gd) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
resetPickOrder() | GU_Selection | inline |
save(UT_JSONWriter &w) const | GU_Selection | |
saveElements(UT_JSONWriter &w) const =0 | GU_Selection | protectedpure virtual |
select(const GU_Detail &gd, uint id1, uint id2, uint id3, GU_SelectionRule rule, GU_SelectResult &added, GU_SelectFinishData *&finish_data)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
selectAll(const GU_Detail &gd)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
selectBoundary(const GU_Detail &gd, bool checkuv, const UT_StringHolder &uvattribname="uv"_UTsh)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
selectFinish(const GU_Detail &gd, GU_SelectionRule rule, GU_SelectResult &added, GU_SelectFinishData *finish_data) | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
selectionPoint(const GU_SelectResult &added, UT_Vector3 &xsect) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
selectionPoint(const GU_SelectResult &added, UT_Vector3 rayorig, UT_Vector3 &raydir, UT_Vector3 &xsect, bool &normal, UT_Vector3 &vector, bool accurate, float *u, float *v) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
setGroupTokensLock(bool lock) | GU_Selection | |
setOrdered(GA_ElementGroup &g, bool ordered) | GU_Selection | inlineprotectedstatic |
setPickOrder(int pick_order) | GU_Selection | inline |
setPickPath(const UT_StringHolder &p) | GU_Selection | inline |
setUsePrimEdges(bool) | GU_Selection | inlinevirtual |
shrinkSelection(const GU_Detail &gd, bool checkuv, const UT_StringHolder &uvattribname="uv"_UTsh)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
testSelect(const GU_Detail &gd, uint id1, uint id2, uint id3, bool accept_existing, bool accept_new, GU_SelectResult &result) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
toggleAll(const GU_Detail &gd)=0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
updateLock() const | GU_Selection | inlineprotected |
updateRevision() | GU_Selection | inlineprotected |
uvSelectAllBackFace(const GU_Detail &gd, const UT_StringHolder &uvattribname="uv"_UTsh) | GU_Selection | inline |
uvSelectAllByWindingUsingClosure(const GU_Detail &gd, bool front_facing, bool back_facing, const UT_StringHolder &uvattribname) | GU_Selection | protectedvirtual |
uvSelectAllFrontFace(const GU_Detail &gd, const UT_StringHolder &uvattribname="uv"_UTsh) | GU_Selection | inline |
validate(const GU_Detail &gd)=0 | GU_Selection | protectedpure virtual |
vertices(const GU_Detail &gd) const =0 | GU_Selection | pure virtual |
~GU_Selection() | GU_Selection | virtual |