This is the complete list of members for HUSD_Info, including all inherited members.
clearGusdXformCache() const | HUSD_Info | |
collectionContains(const UT_StringRef &collectionpath, const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
computeAllDependencies(const UT_StringRef &path, UT_StringArray &layers, UT_StringArray &resolved, UT_StringArray &unresolved) | HUSD_Info | static |
computeStageStats(UT_Options &stats) const | HUSD_Info | |
computeStageStats(const UT_StringRef &path, UT_Options &stats) | HUSD_Info | static |
DescendantStatsFlags enum name | HUSD_Info | |
extractAttributes(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_ArrayStringSet &which_attribs, const HUSD_TimeCode &tc, UT_Options &values, HUSD_TimeSampling *time_sampling=nullptr) const | HUSD_Info | |
extractExternalReferences(const UT_StringRef &path, UT_StringArray &sub_layers, UT_StringArray &references, UT_StringArray &payloads) | HUSD_Info | static |
findXformName(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &xform_name_suffix) const | HUSD_Info | |
getActiveLayerSubLayers(UT_StringArray &names, UT_StringArray &identifiers, UT_IntArray &fromlops, UT_IntArray &fromsops) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAllRenderSettings(UT_StringArray &paths) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAssetInfo(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &name, UtValueType &value) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAttribLength(const UT_StringRef &attribpath, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code, HUSD_TimeSampling *time_sampling=nullptr) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAttribLength(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &attribname, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code, HUSD_TimeSampling *time_sampling=nullptr) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAttribSize(const UT_StringRef &attribpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAttribSize(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &attribname) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAttribTimeSamples(const UT_StringRef &attribpath, UT_FprealArray &time_samples) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAttribTimeSamples(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &attribname, UT_FprealArray &time_samples) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAttribTypeName(const UT_StringRef &attrpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAttribTypeName(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &attribname) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAttributeNames(const UT_StringRef &primpath, UT_ArrayStringSet &attrib_names) const | HUSD_Info | |
getAutoParentPrimKind(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getBestCamera(const UT_StringRef &explicit_path=UT_StringHolder::theEmptyString, const UT_StringHolder &render_settings=UT_StringHolder::theEmptyString, bool pick_first_of_many=false) const | HUSD_Info | |
getBestRenderSettings(const UT_StringRef &explicit_path=UT_StringHolder::theEmptyString, bool pick_first_of_many=false) const | HUSD_Info | |
getBoundMaterial(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getBounds(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringArray &purposes, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code) const | HUSD_Info | |
getChildren(const UT_StringRef &primpath, UT_StringArray &childnames) const | HUSD_Info | |
getCollectionComputedPaths(const UT_StringRef &collectionpath, UT_StringArray &primpaths) const | HUSD_Info | |
getCollectionExcludePaths(const UT_StringRef &collectionpath, UT_StringArray &primpaths) const | HUSD_Info | |
getCollectionExpansionRule(const UT_StringRef &collectionpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getCollectionIncludePaths(const UT_StringRef &collectionpath, UT_StringArray &primpaths) const | HUSD_Info | |
getCollections(const UT_StringRef &primpath, HUSD_CollectionInfoMap &collection_info_map) const | HUSD_Info | |
getCurrentRenderSettings() const | HUSD_Info | |
getCustomData(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &name, UtValueType &value) const | HUSD_Info | |
getDescendantCount(const UT_StringRef &primpath, HUSD_PrimTraversalDemands demands) const | HUSD_Info | |
getDescendantStats(const UT_StringRef &primpath, UT_Options &stats, DescendantStatsFlags flags=STATS_SIMPLE_COUNTS) const | HUSD_Info | |
getDrawMode(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getEndTimeCode(fpreal64 &endtimecode) const | HUSD_Info | |
getExpandedPathSet(const UT_StringRef &filepath, const UT_StringRef &primpattern, HUSD_PathSet &paths) | HUSD_Info | static |
getFramesPerSecond(fpreal64 &fps) const | HUSD_Info | |
getGlobalVariantSelectionFallbacks(UT_StringMap< UT_StringArray > &variantselections) | HUSD_Info | static |
getIcon(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getKind(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getLayerExists(const UT_StringRef &filepath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getLayerHierarchy(UT_InfoTree &hierarchy) const | HUSD_Info | |
getLayerRootPrims(const UT_StringRef &filepath, const UT_StringMap< UT_StringHolder > &fileargs, HUSD_PathSet &rootprims) | HUSD_Info | static |
getLayersAboveLayerBreak(UT_StringArray &identifiers) const | HUSD_Info | |
getLayerSavePath(const UT_StringHolder &identifier, const UT_StringMap< UT_StringHolder > &refargs, UT_StringHolder &savepath) | HUSD_Info | static |
getLayerSavePath(UT_StringHolder &savepath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getLocalXform(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code, HUSD_TimeSampling *time_sampling=nullptr) const | HUSD_Info | |
getMetadata(const UT_StringRef &object_path, const UT_StringRef &name, UtValueType &value) const | HUSD_Info | |
getMetadataLength(const UT_StringRef &object_path, const UT_StringRef &metadata_name) const | HUSD_Info | |
getMetadataNames(const UT_StringRef &object_path, UT_ArrayStringSet &metadata_names) const | HUSD_Info | |
getMetrics(UT_StringHolder &upaxis, fpreal64 &metersperunit) const | HUSD_Info | |
getParentXform(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code, HUSD_TimeSampling *time_sampling=nullptr) const | HUSD_Info | |
getPointInstancerBounds(const UT_StringRef &primpath, exint instance_index, const UT_StringArray &purposes, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code) const | HUSD_Info | |
getPointInstancerInstanceCount(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code) const | HUSD_Info | |
getPointInstancerXforms(const UT_StringRef &primpath, UT_Array< UT_Matrix4D > &xforms, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code) | HUSD_Info | |
getPrimitiveKinds(UT_StringArray &kinds) | HUSD_Info | static |
getPrimType(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getPrimvarLength(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &primvarname, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code, HUSD_TimeSampling *time_sampling=nullptr, bool allow_inheritance=false) const | HUSD_Info | |
getPrimvarNames(const UT_StringRef &primpath, UT_ArrayStringSet &primvar_names, bool allow_inheritance=false) const | HUSD_Info | |
getPrimvarSize(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &primvarname, bool allow_inheritance=false) const | HUSD_Info | |
getPrimvarTimeSamples(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &primvarname, UT_FprealArray &time_samples, bool allow_inheritance=false) const | HUSD_Info | |
getPrimvarTypeName(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &primvarname, bool allow_inheritance=false) const | HUSD_Info | |
getPurpose(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getRelationshipForwardedTargets(const UT_StringRef &relpath, UT_StringArray &target_paths) const | HUSD_Info | |
getRelationshipForwardedTargets(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &relationshipname, UT_StringArray &target_paths) const | HUSD_Info | |
getRelationshipNames(const UT_StringRef &primpath, UT_ArrayStringSet &rel_names) const | HUSD_Info | |
getRelationshipTargets(const UT_StringRef &relpath, UT_StringArray &target_paths) const | HUSD_Info | |
getRelationshipTargets(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &relationshipname, UT_StringArray &target_paths) const | HUSD_Info | |
getSelectionAncestor(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &kindhint, bool allow_kind_mismatch, bool allow_instance_proxies, bool allow_hidden_prims) const | HUSD_Info | |
getShaderInputAttributeNames(const UT_StringRef &primpath, UT_ArrayStringSet &attrib_names) const | HUSD_Info | |
getSourceLayers(UT_StringArray &names, UT_StringArray &identifiers, UT_IntArray &fromlops, UT_IntArray &fromsops) const | HUSD_Info | |
getSpecifier(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
getStageRootLayer(UT_StringHolder &identifier) const | HUSD_Info | |
getStartTimeCode(fpreal64 &starttimecode) const | HUSD_Info | |
getTimeCodesPerSecond(fpreal64 &tcs) const | HUSD_Info | |
getTimeVaryingAttribName() | HUSD_Info | static |
getTransformAttribName() | HUSD_Info | static |
getUniqueXformName(const UT_StringRef &primpath, HUSD_XformType type, const UT_StringRef &xform_name_suffix) const | HUSD_Info | |
getUsdVersionInfo(UT_StringMap< UT_StringHolder > &info) | HUSD_Info | static |
getVariants(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &variantset, UT_StringArray &vset_names) const | HUSD_Info | |
getVariantSelection(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &variantset) const | HUSD_Info | |
getVariantSets(const UT_StringRef &primpath, UT_StringArray &vset_names) const | HUSD_Info | |
getWorldXform(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code, HUSD_TimeSampling *time_sampling=nullptr) const | HUSD_Info | |
getXformFromOpOrder(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code, const UT_StringArray &xformOpOrder, HUSD_TimeSampling *time_sampling=nullptr) const | HUSD_Info | |
getXformOrder(const UT_StringRef &primpath, UT_StringArray &xform_order) const | HUSD_Info | |
getXformTimeSamples(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_Vector2F &interval, UT_Array< HUSD_TimeCode > &timecodes) const | HUSD_Info | |
hasAnyPrimsOutside(const UT_StringRef &filepath, const UT_StringMap< UT_StringHolder > &fileargs, const UT_StringRef &primpath) | HUSD_Info | static |
hasAnyVisibleLights(const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code) const | HUSD_Info | |
hasChildren(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
hasPayload(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
hasPrimAPI(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &api) const | HUSD_Info | |
HUSD_Info(HUSD_AutoAnyLock &lock) | HUSD_Info | explicit |
isAbstract(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
isActive(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
isActiveLayerPrimAtPath(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &prim_type=UT_StringHolder::theEmptyString) const | HUSD_Info | |
isArrayValueType(const UT_StringRef &valueType) | HUSD_Info | static |
isAttribAtPath(const UT_StringRef &attribpath, QueryAspect query=QueryAspect::ANY) const | HUSD_Info | |
isAttribAtPath(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &attribname, QueryAspect query=QueryAspect::ANY) const | HUSD_Info | |
isCollectionAtPath(const UT_StringRef &collectionpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
isComponentKind(const UT_StringRef &kind) | HUSD_Info | static |
isEditable(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
isGroupKind(const UT_StringRef &kind) | HUSD_Info | static |
isHiddenInUi(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
isInstance(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
isKind(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &kind) const | HUSD_Info | |
isLopLayer(const UT_StringRef &identifier) | HUSD_Info | static |
isMetadataAtPath(const UT_StringRef &object_path, const UT_StringRef &metadata_name, QueryAspect query=QueryAspect::ANY) const | HUSD_Info | |
isModel(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
isModelKind(const UT_StringRef &kind) | HUSD_Info | static |
isPathInPrototype(const HUSD_Path &primpath) | HUSD_Info | static |
isPrimAtPath(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
isPrimType(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &type) const | HUSD_Info | |
isPrimvarAtPath(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &primvarname, QueryAspect query=QueryAspect::ANY, bool allow_inheritance=false) const | HUSD_Info | |
isPrimvarName(const UT_StringRef &name) | HUSD_Info | static |
isRelationshipAtPath(const UT_StringRef &relpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
isRelationshipAtPath(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const UT_StringRef &relationahipname) const | HUSD_Info | |
isSelectable(const UT_StringRef &primpath, UT_Map< HUSD_Path, bool > *cache=nullptr) const | HUSD_Info | |
isStageValid() const | HUSD_Info | |
isStageVariableExpression(const UT_StringRef &expr, bool check_for_errors=true) | HUSD_Info | static |
isTokenArrayValueType(const UT_StringRef &valueType) | HUSD_Info | static |
isVisible(const UT_StringRef &primpath, const HUSD_TimeCode &time_code, HUSD_TimeSampling *time_sampling=nullptr) const | HUSD_Info | |
isXformReset(const UT_StringRef &primpath) const | HUSD_Info | |
QueryAspect enum name | HUSD_Info | |
reload(const UT_StringRef &filepath, bool recursive, bool force_load=false) | HUSD_Info | static |
reloadWithContext(const UT_StringRef &filepath, bool recursive, bool force_load=false) const | HUSD_Info | |
STATS_GEOMETRY_COUNTS enum value | HUSD_Info | |
STATS_PURPOSE_COUNTS enum value | HUSD_Info | |
STATS_SIMPLE_COUNTS enum value | HUSD_Info | |
valueTypeScalarSize(const UT_StringRef &valueType) | HUSD_Info | static |
~HUSD_Info() | HUSD_Info |