This is the complete list of members for IMG_RasterFilter, including all inherited members.
close() | IMG_RasterFilter | |
fastApproxBlur(void *buf, void *tag) | IMG_RasterFilter | |
fetchFunc typedef | IMG_RasterFilter | |
getApproxBlurBound(UT_FilterType type, float xsize, float ysize, exint ix1, exint iy1, exint ix2, exint iy2, exint &x1, exint &y1, exint &x2, exint &y2) | IMG_RasterFilter | static |
IMG_RasterFilter(exint inpXres, exint inpYres, exint outXres, exint outYres, fetchFunc inpFetch, UT_FilterType xfilter=UT_FILTER_BOX, float xwidth=1, UT_FilterType yfilter=UT_FILTER_BOX, float ywidth=1, IMG_DataType srcType=IMG_UCHAR, IMG_DataType destType=IMG_UCHAR, IMG_ColorModel colorModel=IMG_RGBA) | IMG_RasterFilter | |
IMG_RasterFilter(exint inpXres, exint inpYres, exint outXres, exint outYres, fetchFunc inpFetch, UT_Filter *xfilter, float xwidth, UT_Filter *yfilter, float ywidth, IMG_DataType srcType=IMG_UCHAR, IMG_DataType destType=IMG_UCHAR, IMG_ColorModel colorModel=IMG_RGBA) | IMG_RasterFilter | |
IMG_RasterFilter(exint xres, exint yres, fetchFunc inpFetch, UT_FilterType filter=UT_FILTER_BOX, float xwidth=1.0f, float ywidth=1.0f, IMG_DataType type=IMG_UCHAR) | IMG_RasterFilter | |
isRunning() | IMG_RasterFilter | |
nextScanline(exint y, void *buf, void *tag) | IMG_RasterFilter | |
restartFilter() | IMG_RasterFilter | |
~IMG_RasterFilter() | IMG_RasterFilter |