This is the complete list of members for SdfLayer, including all inherited members.
__GetTfWeakBase__() const | TfWeakBase | inline |
_HasRemnant() const | TfWeakBase | inlineprotected |
_Register() const | TfWeakBase | inlineprotected |
_Register(T *tempRmnt) const | TfWeakBase | inlineprotected |
AddToMutedLayers(const std::string &mutedPath) | SdfLayer | static |
Apply(const SdfBatchNamespaceEdit &) | SdfLayer | |
ApplyRootPrimOrder(std::vector< TfToken > *vec) const | SdfLayer | |
CanApply(const SdfBatchNamespaceEdit &, SdfNamespaceEditDetailVector *details=NULL) const | SdfLayer | |
Clear() | SdfLayer | |
ClearColorConfiguration() | SdfLayer | |
ClearColorManagementSystem() | SdfLayer | |
ClearCustomLayerData() | SdfLayer | |
ClearDefaultPrim() | SdfLayer | |
ClearEndTimeCode() | SdfLayer | |
ClearExpressionVariables() | SdfLayer | |
ClearFramePrecision() | SdfLayer | |
ClearFramesPerSecond() | SdfLayer | |
ClearOwner() | SdfLayer | |
ClearSessionOwner() | SdfLayer | |
ClearStartTimeCode() | SdfLayer | |
ClearTimeCodesPerSecond() | SdfLayer | |
ComputeAbsolutePath(const std::string &assetPath) const | SdfLayer | |
CreateAnonymous(const std::string &tag=std::string(), const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments()) | SdfLayer | static |
CreateAnonymous(const std::string &tag, const SdfFileFormatConstPtr &format, const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments()) | SdfLayer | static |
CreateIdentifier(const std::string &layerPath, const FileFormatArguments &arguments) | SdfLayer | static |
CreateNew(const std::string &identifier, const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments()) | SdfLayer | static |
CreateNew(const SdfFileFormatConstPtr &fileFormat, const std::string &identifier, const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments()) | SdfLayer | static |
DumpLayerInfo() | SdfLayer | static |
EnableNotification2() const | TfWeakBase | |
EraseField(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName) | SdfLayer | |
EraseFieldDictValueByKey(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const TfToken &keyPath) | SdfLayer | |
EraseTimeSample(const SdfPath &path, double time) | SdfLayer | |
Export(const std::string &filename, const std::string &comment=std::string(), const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments()) const | SdfLayer | |
ExportToString(std::string *result) const | SdfLayer | |
FileFormatArguments typedef | SdfLayer | |
Find(const std::string &identifier, const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments()) | SdfLayer | static |
FindOrOpen(const std::string &identifier, const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments()) | SdfLayer | static |
FindOrOpenRelativeToLayer(const SdfLayerHandle &anchor, const std::string &identifier, const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments()) | SdfLayer | static |
FindRelativeToLayer(const SdfLayerHandle &anchor, const std::string &identifier, const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments()) | SdfLayer | static |
GetAssetInfo() const | SdfLayer | |
GetAssetName() const | SdfLayer | |
GetAttributeAtPath(const SdfPath &path) | SdfLayer | |
GetBracketingTimeSamples(double time, double *tLower, double *tUpper) | SdfLayer | |
GetBracketingTimeSamplesForPath(const SdfPath &path, double time, double *tLower, double *tUpper) | SdfLayer | |
GetColorConfiguration() const | SdfLayer | |
GetColorManagementSystem() const | SdfLayer | |
GetComment() const | SdfLayer | |
GetCompositionAssetDependencies() const | SdfLayer | |
GetCurrentCount() const | TfRefBase | inline |
GetCustomLayerData() const | SdfLayer | |
GetDefaultPrim() const | SdfLayer | |
GetDetachedLayerRules() | SdfLayer | static |
GetDisplayName() const | SdfLayer | |
GetDisplayNameFromIdentifier(const std::string &identifier) | SdfLayer | static |
GetDocumentation() const | SdfLayer | |
GetEndTimeCode() const | SdfLayer | |
GetExpressionVariables() const | SdfLayer | |
GetExternalAssetDependencies() const | SdfLayer | |
GetExternalReferences() const | SdfLayer | |
GetField(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName) const | SdfLayer | |
GetFieldAs(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const T &defaultValue=T()) const | SdfLayer | inline |
GetFieldDictValueByKey(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const TfToken &keyPath) const | SdfLayer | |
GetFieldTypeid(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &name) const | SdfLayer | inline |
GetFileExtension() const | SdfLayer | |
GetFileFormat() const | SdfLayer | |
GetFileFormatArguments() const | SdfLayer | |
GetFramePrecision() const | SdfLayer | |
GetFramesPerSecond() const | SdfLayer | |
GetHasOwnedSubLayers() const | SdfLayer | |
GetHints() const | SdfLayer | |
GetIdentifier() const | SdfLayer | |
GetLoadedLayers() | SdfLayer | static |
GetMetadata() const | SdfLayer | |
GetMutedLayers() | SdfLayer | static |
GetNumSubLayerPaths() const | SdfLayer | |
GetNumTimeSamplesForPath(const SdfPath &path) const | SdfLayer | |
GetObjectAtPath(const SdfPath &path) | SdfLayer | |
GetOwner() const | SdfLayer | |
GetPrimAtPath(const SdfPath &path) | SdfLayer | |
GetPropertyAtPath(const SdfPath &path) | SdfLayer | |
GetPseudoRoot() const | SdfLayer | |
GetRealPath() const | SdfLayer | |
GetRelationshipAtPath(const SdfPath &path) | SdfLayer | |
GetRepositoryPath() const | SdfLayer | |
GetResolvedPath() const | SdfLayer | |
GetRootPrimOrder() const | SdfLayer | |
GetRootPrims() const | SdfLayer | |
GetSchema() const | SdfLayer | |
GetSessionOwner() const | SdfLayer | |
GetSpecType(const SdfPath &path) const | SdfLayer | |
GetStartTimeCode() const | SdfLayer | |
GetStateDelegate() const | SdfLayer | |
GetSubLayerOffset(int index) const | SdfLayer | |
GetSubLayerOffsets() const | SdfLayer | |
GetSubLayerPaths() const | SdfLayer | |
GetTimeCodesPerSecond() const | SdfLayer | |
GetUniqueIdentifier() const | TfWeakBase | |
GetVersion() const | SdfLayer | |
HasColorConfiguration() const | SdfLayer | |
HasColorManagementSystem() const | SdfLayer | |
HasCustomLayerData() const | SdfLayer | |
HasDefaultPrim() | SdfLayer | |
HasEndTimeCode() const | SdfLayer | |
HasExpressionVariables() const | SdfLayer | |
HasField(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, VtValue *value=NULL) const | SdfLayer | |
HasField(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, SdfAbstractDataValue *value) const | SdfLayer | |
HasField(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &name, T *value) const | SdfLayer | inline |
HasFieldDictKey(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const TfToken &keyPath, VtValue *value=NULL) const | SdfLayer | |
HasFieldDictKey(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const TfToken &keyPath, SdfAbstractDataValue *value) const | SdfLayer | |
HasFieldDictKey(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &name, const TfToken &keyPath, T *value) const | SdfLayer | inline |
HasFramePrecision() const | SdfLayer | |
HasFramesPerSecond() const | SdfLayer | |
HasOwner() const | SdfLayer | |
HasSessionOwner() const | SdfLayer | |
HasSpec(const SdfPath &path) const | SdfLayer | |
HasStartTimeCode() const | SdfLayer | |
HasTimeCodesPerSecond() const | SdfLayer | |
Import(const std::string &layerPath) | SdfLayer | |
ImportFromString(const std::string &string) | SdfLayer | |
InsertInRootPrimOrder(const TfToken &name, int index=-1) | SdfLayer | |
InsertRootPrim(const SdfPrimSpecHandle &prim, int index=-1) | SdfLayer | |
InsertSubLayerPath(const std::string &path, int index=-1) | SdfLayer | |
IsAnonymous() const | SdfLayer | |
IsAnonymousLayerIdentifier(const std::string &identifier) | SdfLayer | static |
IsDetached() const | SdfLayer | |
IsDirty() const | SdfLayer | |
IsEmpty() const | SdfLayer | |
IsIncludedByDetachedLayerRules(const std::string &identifier) | SdfLayer | static |
IsMuted() const | SdfLayer | |
IsMuted(const std::string &path) | SdfLayer | static |
IsUnique() const | TfRefBase | inline |
ListAllTimeSamples() const | SdfLayer | |
ListFields(const SdfPath &path) const | SdfLayer | |
ListTimeSamplesForPath(const SdfPath &path) const | SdfLayer | |
New(const SdfFileFormatConstPtr &fileFormat, const std::string &identifier, const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments()) | SdfLayer | static |
OpenAsAnonymous(const std::string &layerPath, bool metadataOnly=false, const std::string &tag=std::string()) | SdfLayer | static |
operator=(const SdfLayer &)=delete | SdfLayer | |
TfRefBase::operator=(TfRefBase const &) | TfRefBase | inline |
TfWeakBase::operator=(const TfWeakBase &) | TfWeakBase | inline |
PermissionToEdit() const | SdfLayer | |
PermissionToSave() const | SdfLayer | |
QueryTimeSample(const SdfPath &path, double time, VtValue *value=NULL) const | SdfLayer | |
QueryTimeSample(const SdfPath &path, double time, SdfAbstractDataValue *value) const | SdfLayer | |
QueryTimeSample(const SdfPath &path, double time, T *data) const | SdfLayer | inline |
Reload(bool force=false) | SdfLayer | |
ReloadLayers(const std::set< SdfLayerHandle > &layers, bool force=false) | SdfLayer | static |
RemoveFromMutedLayers(const std::string &mutedPath) | SdfLayer | static |
RemoveFromRootPrimOrder(const TfToken &name) | SdfLayer | |
RemoveFromRootPrimOrderByIndex(int index) | SdfLayer | |
RemoveInertSceneDescription() | SdfLayer | |
RemovePrimIfInert(SdfPrimSpecHandle prim) | SdfLayer | |
RemovePropertyIfHasOnlyRequiredFields(SdfPropertySpecHandle prop) | SdfLayer | |
RemoveRootPrim(const SdfPrimSpecHandle &prim) | SdfLayer | |
RemoveSubLayerPath(int index) | SdfLayer | |
RootPrimsView typedef | SdfLayer | |
Save(bool force=false) const | SdfLayer | |
ScheduleRemoveIfInert(const SdfSpec &spec) | SdfLayer | |
Sdf_ChangeManager class | SdfLayer | friend |
Sdf_ChildrenUtils class | SdfLayer | friend |
SdfAttributeSpec class | SdfLayer | friend |
SdfFileFormat class | SdfLayer | friend |
SdfLayer(const SdfLayer &)=delete | SdfLayer | |
SdfLayer(const SdfFileFormatConstPtr &fileFormat, const std::string &identifier, const std::string &realPath=std::string(), const ArAssetInfo &assetInfo=ArAssetInfo(), const FileFormatArguments &args=FileFormatArguments(), bool validateAuthoring=false) | SdfLayer | protected |
SdfLayerStateDelegateBase class | SdfLayer | friend |
SdfPropertySpec class | SdfLayer | friend |
SdfSpec class | SdfLayer | friend |
SetColorConfiguration(const SdfAssetPath &colorConfiguration) | SdfLayer | |
SetColorManagementSystem(const TfToken &cms) | SdfLayer | |
SetComment(const std::string &comment) | SdfLayer | |
SetCustomLayerData(const VtDictionary &value) | SdfLayer | |
SetDefaultPrim(const TfToken &name) | SdfLayer | |
SetDetachedLayerRules(const DetachedLayerRules &mask) | SdfLayer | static |
SetDocumentation(const std::string &documentation) | SdfLayer | |
SetEndTimeCode(double endTimeCode) | SdfLayer | |
SetExpressionVariables(const VtDictionary &expressionVars) | SdfLayer | |
SetField(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const VtValue &value) | SdfLayer | |
SetField(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const SdfAbstractDataConstValue &value) | SdfLayer | |
SetField(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const T &val) | SdfLayer | inline |
SetFieldDictValueByKey(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const TfToken &keyPath, const VtValue &value) | SdfLayer | |
SetFieldDictValueByKey(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const TfToken &keyPath, const SdfAbstractDataConstValue &value) | SdfLayer | |
SetFieldDictValueByKey(const SdfPath &path, const TfToken &fieldName, const TfToken &keyPath, const T &val) | SdfLayer | inline |
SetFramePrecision(int framePrecision) | SdfLayer | |
SetFramesPerSecond(double framesPerSecond) | SdfLayer | |
SetHasOwnedSubLayers(bool) | SdfLayer | |
SetIdentifier(const std::string &identifier) | SdfLayer | |
SetMuted(bool muted) | SdfLayer | |
SetOwner(const std::string &owner) | SdfLayer | |
SetPermissionToEdit(bool allow) | SdfLayer | |
SetPermissionToSave(bool allow) | SdfLayer | |
SetRootPrimOrder(const std::vector< TfToken > &names) | SdfLayer | |
SetRootPrims(const SdfPrimSpecHandleVector &rootPrims) | SdfLayer | |
SetSessionOwner(const std::string &owner) | SdfLayer | |
SetShouldInvokeUniqueChangedListener(bool shouldCall) | TfRefBase | inline |
SetStartTimeCode(double startTimecode) | SdfLayer | |
SetStateDelegate(const SdfLayerStateDelegateBaseRefPtr &delegate) | SdfLayer | |
SetSubLayerOffset(const SdfLayerOffset &offset, int index) | SdfLayer | |
SetSubLayerPaths(const std::vector< std::string > &newPaths) | SdfLayer | |
SetTimeCodesPerSecond(double timeCodesPerSecond) | SdfLayer | |
SetTimeSample(const SdfPath &path, double time, const VtValue &value) | SdfLayer | |
SetTimeSample(const SdfPath &path, double time, const SdfAbstractDataConstValue &value) | SdfLayer | |
SetTimeSample(const SdfPath &path, double time, const T &value) | SdfLayer | inline |
SetUniqueChangedListener(UniqueChangedListener listener) | TfRefBase | static |
SplitIdentifier(const std::string &identifier, std::string *layerPath, FileFormatArguments *arguments) | SdfLayer | static |
StreamsData() const | SdfLayer | |
TfRefBase() | TfRefBase | inline |
TfRefBase(TfRefBase const &) | TfRefBase | inline |
TfWeakBase() | TfWeakBase | inline |
TfWeakBase(const TfWeakBase &) | TfWeakBase | inline |
TransferContent(const SdfLayerHandle &layer) | SdfLayer | |
TraversalFunction typedef | SdfLayer | |
Traverse(const SdfPath &path, const TraversalFunction &func) | SdfLayer | |
UniqueChangedFuncPtr typedef | TfRefBase | |
UpdateAssetInfo() | SdfLayer | |
UpdateCompositionAssetDependency(const std::string &oldAssetPath, const std::string &newAssetPath=std::string()) | SdfLayer | |
UpdateExternalReference(const std::string &oldAssetPath, const std::string &newAssetPath=std::string()) | SdfLayer | |
WriteDataFile(const std::string &filename) | SdfLayer | |
~SdfLayer() | SdfLayer | virtual |
~TfRefBase() | TfRefBase | protectedvirtual |
~TfWeakBase() | TfWeakBase | inlineprotected |