This is the complete list of members for UI_Value, including all inherited members.
actionKeyEcho(const char *, const char *custom_suffix=0) | UI_Object | static |
addDependent(UI_Object *who) | UI_Object | |
addInterest(UI_Object *client, UI_EventMethod method, bool check_dup=false) | UI_Value | |
addKeyDelegateClientship(UI_KeyDelegate *) | UI_Object | |
addPriorityInterest(UI_Object *client, UI_EventMethod method, bool check_dup=false) | UI_Value | |
areAnyFeelClientsOpen() const | UI_Value | |
buildFullPath(UT_WorkBuffer &string) const | UI_Object | |
bumpQueueCount(int dir) | UI_Object | inline |
changed(UI_Object *by, UI_Reason reason=UI_VALUE_CHANGED, UI_DeviceEvent *state=0) | UI_Value | virtual |
clampValue(fpreal min_value, fpreal max_value) | UI_Value | inlineprotected |
className() const override | UI_Value | inlinevirtual |
debugQueueEventsFor(const UI_Value *value, const char *name, UI_EventType t=UI_EVENT_NO_EVENT) const | UI_Object | |
deleteReferences(UI_Object *to_whom) override | UI_Value | virtual |
dependents() const | UI_Object | inline |
dependents() | UI_Object | inlineprotected |
distributeEvent(UI_Event *event, int upwards) | UI_Object | |
dumpInterests(std::ostream &os, const char *prefix=0) const | UI_Value | |
enable(bool state) | UI_Value | virtual |
expandEnvironment() | UI_Value | |
generateEvent(UI_EventType t, UI_Object *target) | UI_Object | |
getArrayLength() const | UI_Value | |
getArrayValue(fpreal *d, exint index) const | UI_Value | |
getArrayValue(int32 *d, exint index) const | UI_Value | |
getArrayValue(int64 *d, exint index) const | UI_Value | |
getFormat() const | UI_Value | inline |
getInputQueue() | UI_Object | inlinestatic |
getInterest(int index) const | UI_Value | inline |
getManager() | UI_Object | inlinestatic |
getName() const | UI_Object | |
getNumInterested() const | UI_Value | inline |
getParent() const | UI_Object | inline |
getProxyId() | UI_Object | |
getRange(fpreal *min, fpreal *max) const | UI_Value | virtual |
getString() const | UI_Value | |
getTraceLevel() const | UI_Value | inline |
getType() const | UI_Value | inline |
getValue(int32 *ip) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(int64 *ip) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(fpreal32 *fp) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(fpreal64 *fp) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(fpreal32 *fp, exint n) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(fpreal64 *dp, exint n) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(int32 *ip, exint n) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(int64 *ip, exint n) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(char *sp, exint bufsize) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(char *sp, exint bufsize, const char *format) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(UT_String &s) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(UT_StringHolder &s) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(UT_StringArray &ssp, exint n) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(UI_Value &v) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(UT_Color &color) const | UI_Value | |
getValue(void **pp) const | UI_Value | |
getValuePrecise(UT_StringHolder &s) const | UI_Value | |
handleEvent(UI_Event *event) override | UI_Value | virtual |
hasDependents() const | UI_Object | inline |
hasInterest(UI_Object *in, UI_EventMethod method) | UI_Value | |
hasInterest(UI_Object *obj) | UI_Value | |
interestedInValue(UI_Value *) | UI_Object | |
interestingEvent(UI_EventType t, UI_DeviceEvent *event) const | UI_Object | virtual |
isAncestor(const UI_Object *who) const | UI_Object | |
isDependent(UI_Object *who) const | UI_Object | |
isTraced() const | UI_Value | inline |
isVector() const | UI_Value | inlinevirtual |
keycmp(const char *, int key) | UI_Object | static |
keycmp(const char *, int key, const UI_HotkeyEcho &) | UI_Object | static |
keyEcho(const char *, const UI_HotkeyEcho &) | UI_Object | static |
load(UT_IStream &is) | UI_Value | |
open(bool state) | UI_Value | virtual |
operator bool() const | UI_Value | |
operator const char *() const | UI_Value | |
operator fpreal32() const | UI_Value | |
operator fpreal64() const | UI_Value | |
operator int32() const | UI_Value | |
operator int64() const | UI_Value | |
operator void *() const | UI_Value | |
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const UI_Value &v) | UI_Value | friend |
operator=(int32 i) | UI_Value | inline |
operator=(int64 i) | UI_Value | inline |
operator=(fpreal32 f) | UI_Value | inline |
operator=(fpreal64 f) | UI_Value | inline |
operator=(const char *s) | UI_Value | inline |
operator=(const UI_Value &v) | UI_Value | inline |
operator=(const UT_Color &c) | UI_Value | inline |
UI_Object::operator=(const UI_Object &)=delete | UI_Object | |
operator==(const UI_Value &v) const | UI_Value | |
operator==(const fpreal32 fp[]) const | UI_Value | |
operator==(const fpreal64 fp[]) const | UI_Value | |
operator==(const int32 ip[]) const | UI_Value | |
operator==(const int64 ip[]) const | UI_Value | |
operator==(const UT_StringArray &ssp) const | UI_Value | |
operator==(fpreal64 f) const | UI_Value | |
operator==(fpreal32 f) const | UI_Value | |
operator==(int32 i) const | UI_Value | |
operator==(int64 i) const | UI_Value | |
operator==(const char *s) const | UI_Value | |
override(bool state, int) | UI_Value | virtual |
preTerminateCallback() | UI_Object | inlineprotectedvirtual |
purgeEvents(UI_EventType t, UI_Object *target, UI_EventMethod method=0) | UI_Object | |
rangeCheck() | UI_Value | virtual |
refresh() | UI_Value | virtual |
relayEvent(UI_Event *event, UI_Object *target) | UI_Object | |
removeAllInterests() | UI_Value | |
removeDependent(UI_Object *who) | UI_Object | |
removeInterest(UI_Object *in, UI_EventMethod method) | UI_Value | |
removeInterest(UI_Object *client) | UI_Value | |
removeKeyDelegateClientship(UI_KeyDelegate *) | UI_Object | |
removeValueInterest(UI_Value *) | UI_Object | |
replaceDependent(UI_Object *who, UI_Object *with) | UI_Object | |
save(std::ostream &os) const | UI_Value | |
sendEvent(const UI_Event &e) const | UI_Object | |
setFormat(const char *fmt) | UI_Value | inline |
setName(const char *symbolName) | UI_Object | |
setParent(UI_Object *p) | UI_Object | inline |
setPointerValue(void *p) | UI_Value | |
setRange(fpreal min, fpreal max) | UI_Value | virtual |
setSteps(fpreal mysmall, fpreal large) | UI_Value | virtual |
setString(char *sp) | UI_Value | |
setTraceLevel(TraceLevel tl) | UI_Value | inlinevirtual |
setValue(int32 i) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(int64 i) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(fpreal64 f) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(fpreal64 f, exint n) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(int32 i, exint n) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(int64 i, exint n) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(const fpreal32 fp[], exint n) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(const fpreal64 dp[], exint n) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(const int32 ip[], exint n) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(const int64 ip[], exint n) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(const UT_StringArray &ssp) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(const char *s) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(const UI_Value &v) | UI_Value | virtual |
setValue(const UT_Color &c) | UI_Value | |
showTrace() | UI_Value | protected |
stealString() | UI_Value | |
step(UI_StepType how) | UI_Value | virtual |
stringPrintf(const char *fmt,...) | UI_Value | |
TL_EVENT enum value | UI_Value | |
TL_NONE enum value | UI_Value | |
TL_VALUE enum value | UI_Value | |
toggleKeyEcho(const char *, bool new_value) | UI_Object | static |
TraceLevel enum name | UI_Value | |
triggerDependents(UI_Object *by, UI_Reason reason=UI_VALUE_CHANGED, UI_DeviceEvent *state=0) | UI_Value | |
triggerImmediate(UI_Object *by, UI_Reason reason=UI_VALUE_CHANGED, UI_DeviceEvent *state=0) | UI_Value | |
triggerImmediateEvent(UI_Event *event, int upwards) | UI_Object | |
UI_Object() | UI_Object | |
UI_Object(const UI_Object &)=delete | UI_Object | |
UI_Value() | UI_Value | |
UI_Value(int32 i) | UI_Value | explicit |
UI_Value(int64 i) | UI_Value | explicit |
UI_Value(fpreal32 f) | UI_Value | explicit |
UI_Value(fpreal64 f) | UI_Value | explicit |
UI_Value(fpreal32 fp[], exint n) | UI_Value | explicit |
UI_Value(fpreal64 dp[], exint n) | UI_Value | explicit |
UI_Value(int32 ip[], exint n) | UI_Value | explicit |
UI_Value(int64 ip[], exint n) | UI_Value | explicit |
UI_Value(const UT_StringArray &ssp) | UI_Value | explicit |
UI_Value(const char *s) | UI_Value | explicit |
UI_Value(const UI_Value &v) | UI_Value | explicit |
valueInterests() const | UI_Object | inline |
visible(bool state) | UI_Value | virtual |
~UI_Object() | UI_Object | virtual |
~UI_Value() override | UI_Value |