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UT_Vector3T< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for UT_Vector3T< T >, including all inherited members.

angleTo(const UT_Vector3T< T > &v) const UT_Vector3T< T >inline
arbitraryPerp(const UT_Vector3T< T > &v)UT_Vector3T< T >
areCollinear(const UT_Vector3T< T > &p0, const UT_Vector3T< T > &p1, T *t=0, T tol=1e-5) const UT_Vector3T< T >
assign(T xx=0.0f, T yy=0.0f, T zz=0.0f)UT_Vector3T< T >inline
assign(const T *v)UT_Vector3T< T >inline
avgComponent() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
b() noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
b() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
clampZero(T tol=T(0.00001f))UT_Vector3T< T >inline
colVecMult(const UT_Matrix3F &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
colVecMult(const UT_Matrix4F &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
colVecMult(const UT_Matrix3D &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
colVecMult(const UT_Matrix4D &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
colVecMult3(const UT_Matrix4F &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
colVecMult3(const UT_Matrix4D &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
cross(const UT_Vector3T< T > &v) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
data() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
data() noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
degToRad()UT_Vector3T< T >
dehomogenize()UT_Vector3T< T >inline
distance(const UT_Vector3T &b) const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
distance(const UT_Vector3T< T > &p1, const UT_Vector3T< T > &v1) const UT_Vector3T< T >
distance(const UT_Vector3T< T > &p1, const UT_Vector3T< T > &v1, const UT_Vector3T< T > &p2, const UT_Vector3T< T > &v2) const UT_Vector3T< T >
distance2(const UT_Vector3T &b) const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
distance2(const UT_Vector3T &a, const UT_Vector3T &b) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >friend
dot(const UT_Vector3T &b) const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
entries()UT_Vector3T< T >inlinestatic
equalZero(const T tolerance=SYS_FTOLERANCE) const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
findMaxAbsAxis() const UT_Vector3T< T >inline
findMinAbsAxis() const UT_Vector3T< T >inline
g() noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
g() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
getBary(const UT_Vector3T< T > &t0, const UT_Vector3T< T > &t1, const UT_Vector3T< T > &t2, bool *degen=NULL) const UT_Vector3T< T >
getDual(UT_Matrix3T< S > &dual) const UT_Vector3T< T >
getFrameOfReference(UT_Vector3T< T > &X, UT_Vector3T< T > &Y) const UT_Vector3T< T >inline
hash() const UT_Vector3T< T >inline
homogenize()UT_Vector3T< T >inline
isEqual(const UT_Vector3T &b, const T tolerance=SYS_FTOLERANCE) const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
isFinite() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
isNan() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
isZero() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
isZero(const UT_Vector3T &a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >friend
length() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
length2() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
length2(const UT_Vector3T &a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >friend
lineIntersect(const UT_Vector3T< T > &p1, const UT_Vector3T< T > &v1, const UT_Vector3T< T > &p2, const UT_Vector3T< T > &v2)UT_Vector3T< T >
load(UT_IStream &is)UT_Vector3T< T >
load(UT_JSONParser &p)UT_Vector3T< T >
makeOrthonormal(const UT_Vector3T< T > &v)UT_Vector3T< T >
maxComponent() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
minComponent() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
multiply(UT_Vector3T< T > &dest, const UT_Matrix4T< S > &mat) const UT_Vector3T< T >
multiply(UT_Vector3T< T > &dest, const UT_Matrix3T< S > &mat) const UT_Vector3T< T >
multiply3(const UT_Matrix4T< S > &mat)UT_Vector3T< T >
multiply3(UT_Vector3T< T > &dest, const UT_Matrix4T< S > &mat) const UT_Vector3T< T >
multiply3T(const UT_Matrix4T< S > &mat)UT_Vector3T< T >
multiply3T(UT_Vector3T< T > &dest, const UT_Matrix4T< S > &mat) const UT_Vector3T< T >
multiplyComponents(const UT_Vector3T< T > &v)UT_Vector3T< T >inline
multiplyT(const UT_Matrix3T< S > &mat)UT_Vector3T< T >
multiplyT(UT_Vector3T< T > &dest, const UT_Matrix3T< S > &mat) const UT_Vector3T< T >
negate() noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
normal(const UT_Vector3T< T > &va, const UT_Vector3T< T > &vb)UT_Vector3T< T >inline
normalize() noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator!=(const UT_Vector3T &a, const UT_Vector3T &b) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >friend
operator()(unsigned i) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator()(unsigned i) const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator*=(const T &a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator*=(const UT_Vector3T &a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator*=(const UT_Matrix3T< S > &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
operator*=(const UT_Matrix4T< S > &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
operator+=(const UT_Vector3T &a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator+=(const T &a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator-() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator-=(const UT_Vector3T &a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator-=(const T &a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator/=(const T &a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator/=(const UT_Vector3T &a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator<(const UT_Vector3T &a, const UT_Vector3T &b) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >friend
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const UT_Vector3T< T > &v)UT_Vector3T< T >friend
operator<=(const UT_Vector3T &a, const UT_Vector3T &b) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >friend
operator=(const UT_Vector3T< T > &that)=defaultUT_Vector3T< T >
operator=(UT_Vector3T< T > &&that)=defaultUT_Vector3T< T >
operator=(const UT_Vector3T< S > &v)UT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator=(const UT_Vector4T< T > &v)UT_Vector3T< T >
operator=(const T a) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >
operator==(const UT_Vector3T &a, const UT_Vector3T &b) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >friend
operator>(const UT_Vector3T &a, const UT_Vector3T &b) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >friend
operator>=(const UT_Vector3T &a, const UT_Vector3T &b) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >friend
operator[](exint i) const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
operator[](exint i) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
project(const UT_Vector3T< T > &u) const UT_Vector3T< T >
project(bool norm=true)UT_Vector3T< T >
projection(const UT_Vector3T< T > &p, const UT_Vector3T< T > &v) const UT_Vector3T< T >
projectOnSegment(const UT_Vector3T< T > &va, const UT_Vector3T< T > &vb) const UT_Vector3T< T >
projectOnSegment(const UT_Vector3T< T > &va, const UT_Vector3T< T > &vb, T &t) const UT_Vector3T< T >
r() noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
r() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
radToDeg()UT_Vector3T< T >
roundAngles(const UT_Vector3T< T > &base)UT_Vector3T< T >
roundAngles(const UT_Vector3T< T > &b, const UT_XformOrder &o)UT_Vector3T< T >
rowVecMult(const UT_Matrix3F &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
rowVecMult(const UT_Matrix4F &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
rowVecMult(const UT_Matrix3D &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
rowVecMult(const UT_Matrix4D &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
rowVecMult3(const UT_Matrix4F &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
rowVecMult3(const UT_Matrix4D &m)UT_Vector3T< T >
save(std::ostream &os, bool binary=false) const UT_Vector3T< T >
save(UT_JSONWriter &w) const UT_Vector3T< T >
save(UT_JSONValue &v) const UT_Vector3T< T >
segLineIntersect(const UT_Vector3T< T > &pa, const UT_Vector3T< T > &pb, const UT_Vector3T< T > &p2, const UT_Vector3T< T > &v2)UT_Vector3T< T >
symmetry(bool norm=true)UT_Vector3T< T >
tuple_sizeUT_Vector3T< T >static
UT_Vector3T()=defaultUT_Vector3T< T >
UT_Vector3T(const UT_Vector3T< T > &that)=defaultUT_Vector3T< T >
UT_Vector3T(UT_Vector3T< T > &&that)=defaultUT_Vector3T< T >
UT_Vector3T(const T vx, const T vy, const T vz) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
UT_Vector3T(const T v) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inlineexplicit
UT_Vector3T(const fpreal16 v[tuple_size]) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
UT_Vector3T(const fpreal32 v[tuple_size]) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
UT_Vector3T(const fpreal64 v[tuple_size]) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
UT_Vector3T(const int32 v[tuple_size]) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
UT_Vector3T(const int64 v[tuple_size]) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
UT_Vector3T(const UT_Vector2T< T > &v)UT_Vector3T< T >explicit
UT_Vector3T(const UT_Vector4T< T > &v)UT_Vector3T< T >explicit
UT_Vector3T(const UT_Vector3T< S > &v) noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
value_type typedefUT_Vector3T< T >
vecUT_Vector3T< T >
x() noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
x() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
y() noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
y() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
z() noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline
z() const noexceptUT_Vector3T< T >inline