Houdini Engine 7.0
Houdini Engine will check for these licenses, in this order, until one is found:
Non-commercial licenses (ie. Apprentice) are not supported. Furthermore, tainting - the process of instantiating an asset created with a lower tier license while using a higher tier license - is not allowed within Houdini Engine. This means, for example, that you cannot run Indie (*lc) assets in Engine while using a commercial license - you will need to checkout an Indie license to run Indie assets. That said, lower tier licenses can run assets created with a higher tier license. For example, Houdini Engine running on an Indie license can run commercial assets. Indie license usage is limited to authorized plugins (Unity, Unreal, Maya, Max, C4D).
You also limit which license Houdini Engine can use. You can force Houdini Engine to only checkout interactive licenses, that is: Houdini, Houdini FX, or Houdini Indie, so even if there is a Houdini Engine license available but no interactive licenses available, Houdini Engine will fail the license check. The opposite is also possible. You can force Houdini Engine to only checkout engine licenses, that is: Houdini Engine or Houdini Engine Indie. This is achieved via the HAPI_LICENSE_MODE
environment variable. See Environment Variables.
Houdini Engine will check for a valid license during two sets of API calls:
During library file loading, you can get the following HAPI_Result's if no valid license is found:
During node creation, you can get the following HAPI_Result's regarding licenses. Note that if you are in threaded mode, these results will be available as cook results. See Cooking.