Example for | |
Example |
The example demonstrates using attached joint geometry to influence the capture result of biharmonic capturing. This method can be more efficient then purely painting weights and gives you more control over influence areas per joint in comparison to purely joint position based biharmic capturing.
Created the capture geo shapes with common SOP nodes and use the Merge Packed SOP node to bundle and pack them
Connect the output of the Merge Packed SOP node to the second input of the Attach Joint Geo node
Enter the viewport state, click the joint in your skeleton that you want to assign the world space shape to as a control, press-hold G, and then
-click the world space shape that you want to assign to the joint.
Connect the output of the Attach Joint Geo SOP node to the second input of the Joint Capture Biharmonic node
In the Parameter Editor, set the Role to the role set by the Attach Capture Geo SOP node. The capture geometry will be automatically used for the solve of the biharmonic capturing. You can bypass it via the Use Capture Geo Joints toggle