Houdini 20.5 Nodes Shader nodes

Labs Toon Shader

A GLSL toon shader based on the Guilty Gears GDC 2015 talk

This toon shader is for preview purposes so that you can dial in your textures before exporting to your game engine

Parameters ΒΆ

Light Position

Reference the translate values from your main light source for the parameter.

Light Colour

Reference the light colour values from your main light source for this parameter

Light Intensity

Reference the light intensity value from your main light source for this parameter


The point at which light and shadow meet on the surface based on the Fresnel between the normal and light position

Base Colour

Colour of the surface when hit by direct light


Colour of the surface in the shadow area. This is a multiplier of the base colour.

Emission Colour

Colour based on the emission attribute on the points.

Emission Texture

A texture to modulate the emission values.

UV Scale

Control the UV scale of the emission texture.

Use Normal Texture

Toggle the normal texture on and off.

Normal Texture

Texture combines with point normals to create the final normal value of the surface.

Normals Texture Scale

Control the strength of the normal texture.

AO Texture

The ambient occlusion texture modulates the threshold value.

AO Texture Scale

Control the strength of the ambient occlusion texture.

Shader nodes