Auto Key Keying all sloped attributes option?

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Hello I am a maya animator currently making the move to Houdini Core.

I had a question about the auto key options.

In Houdini I can find to options for how Auto key works.

1: Auto-Key Tuples Parameters: off
Auto Key only keys the parameter that has been changed I.E. Shifting object in translate X will only set a key on the Translate X attribute and nothing else.

2: Auto-Key Tuples Parameters: on
Auto Key, Keys all parameters in vein of what was moved. I.E. Shifting object in translate X Will key all translates regardless of their values. but won't key any of the Rotate or Scale attributes until they are moved.

I would like to know if there is a third option for Auto Key to key all Parameters similar to Maya.
I.E. shifting an object in X translate would automatically set a key on all Translates, Rotates and Scales?

Thank you
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Not that I know of. If you really want it, you can submit an RFE. I tend to do manual keyframes using the K key. It adds a key to all auto-scoped channels of the selected object, which normally includes TRS (character rig would have different channels auto-scoped.)
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Thanks Jsmack,
Yeah that is exactly what I would like auto key to do exactly what the K key does. just one less click of the keyboard every time.

I wanted to ask on the forum before submitting a RFE.
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RFE ID=83620
Werner Ziemerink
Head of 3D
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I'm starting into character animation as well; was there any resolution on this RFE? I would like the same thing!
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The RFE is still open and meaningful. It's something that has been requested multiple times. Meanwhile, the animation editor has an entry its Edit menu to “Match the Keyframes of Selected Timemarks”. It will add keyframes on the missing times.
Edited by Guillaume - Jan. 24, 2019 07:13:42
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Hi there,

just Checking if there is any update about it. I was looking for the same thing.

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