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I downloaded the PBR shader demo version to try it out (with plans for purchase). I get error messages when I try to load this asset. Is it not compatible with Houdini 16.5?
Isn't the version compatibility mentioned somewhere on the download page?

And add a link next time, so we know what shader you talk about. There are a handful of PBR shaders in Orbolt…
From the orbolt page:
Compatibility: Houdini 13 to Houdini 15.5
Most 3D programs have a way of importing older models (to prevent obsolescence). Is that not the case with Houdini? Was the mantra shader system changed substantially between version 15 and 16.5?
Yes, there were big changes in shading and workflow. As well as the new /mat context.

Maybe you can contact the one who created the shader, to see if a 16.x version is useful or not?
Olaf Finkbeiner
Hi Island,
basically you dont need a PBR shader anymore. The principled shader will do just fine.
However its not that straight forward. []
In this topic read what: robsdesign wrote
“1. A Roughness Map is White = 1 Roughness Value (not shiny), Black = 0 Roughness Value (shiny). When using the Principled Shader, the Roughness value (slider) seems to determine the strength of the texture used. ie. If you want to use just the roughness values of the texture, set this to 1. However, As your texture map is mostly black, changing from 0.3 to 1 won't show much difference as both result in values closer to 0 (shiny). To fix this, decide what should be shiny and adjust the map (inverting the texture works as a quick example)

2. The Mantra Surface roughness works pretty much the same. The difference here is that you are using a texture in the Reflect Colour. (often used for metallic materials in a Spec/Gloss workflow) Whilst this works to show some difference in your texture, it'll probably need tweaking to work with other textures and lighting etc. I'd recommend looking into Spec/Gloss and/or Metal/Roughness texturing workflows so you can use PBR with more expected results and avoid endless tweaking.

3. The Principled Shader has the benefit of being useful in a Metal/Roughness workflow and I'd recommend looking up information on this as it simplifies a lot of texturing.

Thank you. That is helpful. I am trying to get away from fake looking speculars.
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