i tried to modify Johnny Farmfield´s Ash setup, in order to activate the ash through changing color
by basically a color ramp with noise, where white should activate the particles.
https://vimeo.com/268754373 [vimeo.com]
In the example he changed the mass from right to left with the expression
if(@P.x < ch("active")){ @mass = 0; }else{ @mass = 1; } i added the ramp just before the dop network (on primitive level) and changed it to if(@Cd.r < 1){ @mass = 0; }else{ @mass = 1; }
so i tried to change the mass from 0 to 1, when the primitive has a value of 1 (white, or red in this case).
Also sometimes houdini crashes while doing the ramp, sometimes not
I´m sure it´s just a basic thing, but maybe someone could point me to the right direction.
thank you