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Full Version: I’m looking for some documentation about "Action Button" tab in "Edit Parameter Interface"..
Root » Houdini Learning Materials » I’m looking for some documentation about "Action Button" tab in "Edit Parameter Interface"..

I’m looking for some documentation/Tutorial about “Action Button” tab in “Edit Parameter Interface”.

Thanks for helping.
Thank you “goldfarb”;
Is there any tutorial about how to work with this?
not that I know of, search the forums here and at odforce
Is there any tutorial about how to work with this?
there is not much else to it

so as mentioned on the goldfarb's link
- put a code in there that you want to be executed when the action button is clicked
- use kwargs dictionary variable to access some intrinsic data (node, parmtuple, …)

so overall it's similar to setting up a parameter callback for a button
What confuse me is why this is the action button section is to accessible (empty) with a button parameter?

Only in with an event. I tried to build one but for now im failing

Is there any tutorial about how to work with this?
there is not much else to it

so as mentioned on the goldfarb's link
- put a code in there that you want to be executed when the action button is clicked
- use kwargs dictionary variable to access some intrinsic data (node, parmtuple, ...)

so overall it's similar to setting up a parameter callback for a button
Edit i found some answer but so far i didn't found great use of the action button feature compare to a simple button with a callback.

Until the moment when i decided to boost the default Sidefx "Null" with a bunch of additional features. It's not an HDA so there is no script module attached and if you could execute a bunch of python instructions in a single line format, it's rather limited!

But with action button , you could run a full standard python script that way !

Very handy... i don't think people know this so i thought was worth sharing
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