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Full Version: How would you wedge multiparms?
Root » PDG/TOPs » How would you wedge multiparms?
I made an HDA with a multiparm parameter and I was wondering if there is a good way to wedge amount and content of those parameters.
I just realized I could add a bunch of blocks and wedge on/off toggle parameters per block. That way I could wedge the parameters contained within those blocks and still vary the amount of the blocks.

It seems like we should be able to do a more procedural solution though. Because you would not want to manage dozens or even more such blocks manually.
Varying the number of multiparms might not be too bad, but filling in their contents would be more challenging - the multiparm instances would not even exist until runtime, and so we have no way yet to specify what should go in them before runtime. As a work around, would it work if you specified the maximum number of multiparms in the HDA, then proceed to fill in the contents with the regular @syntax for each instance?
That is exactly what I tried to describe.
As a workaround, the suggest solution is possible.
But I think there should be better solution and I don't know what that might look like.
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