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Full Version: ropgeometry callback server
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I've been trying to work out why I can't get ropgeometry nodes to cook over my network. I think I've narrowed it down to the fact the ropgeometry node's task generation include the wrong callback server address. It will work for the local slave but not the remote ones. I've tried using both HQueue and Deadline, ends up with the same result.

For example it's task command for a simple geometry wedge is

"$HFS/bin/hython" "__PDG_SCRIPTDIR__/" -p "__PDG_DIR__/V1.hip" -n "/obj/topnet1/ropgeometry1/ropnet1/geometry1" -to "/obj/topnet1/ropgeometry1" -i "ropgeometry1_ropfetch1_1_126" -s "" -fs 1 -fe 1 -fi 1
But the nodes can't connect through that address ( and fail with a socket or connection error in their logs.
Is there anyway to specify that address in Houdini, environment or the scheduler? Or if anyone has solved it that would be great to hear, thanks!
This sounds like an issue that may have been fixed in build 17.5.212
I eventually narrowed it down to the calling a simple python function to get an IP adderss that didn't always choose the right network adapter. I fixed it by putting in hardcoded values to an OS.Environ path, but it would be great if you could set it in the nodes themselves.
I'll also try the new build to see if it got fixed, thanks for the help.
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