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Full Version: Render all OUT context rops in a file
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Just proof of concepting automatically running caches. my test looks like:

> Three shots with 2 geometry rops daisy chained
> first has a strict one frame cache, the other has a longer frame range

The two main options seem to be:

ROP Fetch from external file - it sort of does what i want, but i'm getting errors i think from it not properly working with the strict frame range and dependencies. I want it to move onto more complex out networks after.

Server Session - attempting to use python to file load then hit the render button, but hitting syntax problems passing a file path through. And for a more complex scene i'm not sure if it will calculate node by node as it seems to prefer frame by frame in normal sessions (have posted in technical about this)

Am i running down the right route?
ROP Fetch from external file - it sort of does what i want, but i'm getting errors i think from it not properly working with the strict frame range and dependencies. I want it to move onto more complex out networks after.

What sort of errors are you getting?
Had a bit of time to return to this, i seemed to reliably get some errored work items each time but they do seem to be blips from what i can tell? it only says:

Error: The Attempted Operation Failed

The Rop fetch does largely seemed to be working right though i need to check with a more complex structure.

I am a bit cloudy on the work item generation though! So the ROP fetch hip path takes @file (my csv list of 3 file paths) and is set to frames 1-240. This makes 720 work items understandably - however one file for example has caches with strict ranges of 1-1 and another of 1-12. The correct ranges are output but i'm not sure what all those work items do if that scenes caching around 13 frames? I guess i'm almost expecting it to make one item per frame of cache?
Could you attach a hip demonstrating what you're trying to do?
I'll try and recreate the test i was doing at work at home! firewalls and all that. making a hash of explaining it on here haha

Maybe simpler way of explaining what i'm after / found:
  1. can the rop fetch look at any number of Hips (it can if passing file as an attribute)
  2. It specifies a rop, but can it evaluate all the chained ROPS plugged into the one specified (it does)
  3. How do strict frame ranges, number of rops and the rop fetch frame range determine work items generated (it seems it just makes a work item per rop fetch frame range per file, and booleans any frame ranges within)

I don't feel like the rop fetch is quite geared towards daisy chains? but no other TOPS seem obviously geared to this either - i say this fully hoping i'm being very stupid and missing something!
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