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Full Version: Animated heightfield with consistent erosion per frame
Root » Technical Discussion » Animated heightfield with consistent erosion per frame
Any ideas on how to create a setup where a HeightfieldErode SOP would erode e.g. 20 frames to get the desired look, but do that for every frame in the sequence, so each frame of an animated heightfield would receive an identical/consistent erosion amount.

Obviously the erosion works by the time slider advancing per frame, so that means the first frame of the animated heightfield would get 1 erosion iteration, the second would get 2 etc. etc.

I've tried nesting the erode in a for loop with feedback, with a time shift sop set to freeze on the desired erosion amount frame, and a time shift sop prior to the erode which would update with the value of the for loop iteration count. The for loop return iteration (step-through value)would then have the current frame number passed in, which in theory would mean "for each frame, run the erosion to frame 20, then step to the next". But as the Heightfield Erode seems to require the "reload" button being hit when the data being fed into it is changed, this makes the setup extremely buggy.

Would be great to hear some suggestions.

having a similar issue.. I'd like to have an animated heightfield that gets eroded the same amount on each frame. I also tried nesting the erode in a for loop but couldn't get it working. did you ever get it sorted? thanks!
You can try PDG. Extract each frame as a workitem that needs to be erode for 20 frames, then use the index as $F in when saving the geometry.
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