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Full Version: Variance Visualisation as an AOV
Root » Solaris and Karma » Variance Visualisation as an AOV

This might be a daft question, but I'm starting to look into render optimisations and techniques with Karma and I was wondering if you could visualise an image's pixel variance as an AOV? Both because the pixel oracle uses it for it's adaptivity and as a kind of pre-denoise check.

I guess you can kind of see areas where it's high based on the primary samples AOV if the oracle's clamping the low variance areas, but I was wondering if there was any way to pull that variance value out in the same way the primary samples / CPU time etc are in the "optimisation" setup? I've had a look through the log and can find the different stats for the other optimsation AOVs but can't find anything I could use to pull that pixel variance out.

Bumping this,
this is a pretty useful feature for implementing denoisers.
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