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Root » Mardini 2024 » Congratulations and how to claim Prizes
Congratulations to everyone for a great month of art and animation, to everyone who completed the Iron Heart and to Jan for winning best collection. Best Image/Animation judging is also now complete and available on the Winners Page [].

For everyone who won daily prizes or Iron Heart SWAG Packs (and you submitted your contact sheet on time) please fill out the following form:


Note that you can only win one daily prize even if you won on multiple days.

For anyone missing prizes from Mardini 2023 make sure you have filled out this form [] and we will address those missing prizes when we fulfill Mardini 2024.
Hello! Would it be a problem to claim the Iron Heart prize for Mardini 2022 or 2023? I haven't received any replies yet..
Hi Robert, I filled in the form for claiming 2023 Iron Heart Prize at the beginning of this year's Mardini, but I think the address I put will be outdated soon (I didn't now a month ago I'll be changing address and I can't check the info in the form). For this year prizes I did fill in my soon to be new address.

Could you let me know how should I proceed?

Thank you!
col bo
When I first saw this post, I didn't realize there was a prize for Daily winners, so I submitted the questionnaire.
I didn't submit the Iron Heart because I hadn't completed the 31-day challenge.
So, if I submitted the questionnaire yesterday, am I still in time to receive the prize?
Thank you.
I'm a little late to this post, and I didn't know iron hearts get swag packs. I did submit my iron heart contact sheet on time though. Am I still eligible for a swag pack or did I fill out the form too late?
Hi, did anybody receive the Mardini2024-Iron-Heart prize?

I'm still waiting and wondering maybe I messed something in the prize claim form
Hi, did anybody receive the Mardini2024-Iron-Heart prize?

I'm still waiting and wondering maybe I messed something in the prize claim form

Just received the Swag pack for 2023. Nothing for 2024 yet though.
Just received Mardini T-shirt. Love the new design. Thank you.
pranesh arry
Hi, did anybody receive the Mardini2024-Iron-Heart prize?

I'm still waiting and wondering maybe I messed something in the prize claim form

yeah, I am still waiting here as well.
I've been waiting for my Iron-Heart prize every week. I don't know who I can ask if something was sent to me, or it's on the way...
Just praying.
Yay! My Mardini2024 IronHeart prize just arrived today! (Malta)
pranesh arry
My prizes also arrived! Sweet!
Prize just arrived! Amazing!
IronHeart prize arrived too!

From JPN
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