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Full Version: Can we have longer titles on this forum
Root » Houdini Lounge » Can we have longer titles on this forum
Serious suggestion.

It's just too short. I don't know why this forum has such a restrict limitation on the length of title.

Now we have super long code name like "Copernicus" instead of COP. Let's have longer titles as well.

(No, please don't tell Copernicus nodes "COP". It would just confuse search engine. The SEO of Houdini knowledge base is already ridiculously bad. It would make it possible to search for legacy COP knowledge in the future.)
A glimpse to how bad the SEO situation is:

- Try search "Houdini APEX workflow" with Google.

- See where the official APEX workflow documentation [] is.

(Spoiler: it's not Google's fault)
A glimpse to how bad the SEO situation is:

- Try search "Houdini APEX workflow" with Google.

- See where the official APEX workflow documentation [] is.

(Spoiler: it's not Google's fault)
APEX is not animation-specific, so "Houdini APEX workflow" might not be the search term you want, and it's correct to not label the Animation section APEX, because that's just the underlying tech behind the new animation workflow.

+1 to the longer forum titles, though.
+1 to longer thread titles from me as well. They're extremely limited, especially when one wants to emphasize what type of nodes the thread concerns (Copernicus!). To be frank, I'd love this whole forum migrate to Discourse, or something else that is not only open source, but most importantly supports markdown syntax, webp, webm and replies via e-mail, instead of what it currently uses (is it PhpBB?).
+1 to longer thread titles from me as well. They're extremely limited, especially when one wants to emphasize what type of nodes the thread concerns (Copernicus!). To be frank, I'd love this whole forum migrate to Discourse, or something else that is not only open source, but most importantly supports markdown syntax, webp, webm and replies via e-mail, instead of what it currently uses (is it PhpBB?).

I don't like Discourse that much, but anything would be an improvement at this point.

This forum doesn't even support drag'n'drop images let alone videos. For a place to discuss about VFX.
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