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Root » Animation » KineFX/APEX Example of Bones Animating Along A Curve Request

I'm learning how to rig a porpoise using KineFX/APEX.
I want to rig it so that the body follows a curve in the shape of a sine wave, to mimic the porpoise "porpoising" repeatedly in and out of the water.
Here is video reference of the swimming behavior I want to mimic: []

I found this ancient Houdini snake rig tutorial that shows the functionality I'm looking for. []
Can someone point me to an example of how to do this in KineFX/APEX? 🙏🏽

For something like the snake, you can also try using the rig::CurveConstraint node that allows you to create transforms constrained to a curve at a particular u value.
For something like the snake, you can also try using the rig::CurveConstraint node that allows you to create transforms constrained to a curve at a particular u value.
Thanks, Edward.
However, the documentation for the APEX curve constraint is sparse: []

It would be helpful if someone could point me to an example of the usage of this function.

The other challenge is that I would need to constrain each joint along the spine of the porpoise to the curve.
This means I would need to calculate the distance along the curve as a U value based on the distance between the joints along the porpoise's spine.
Does anyone have any examples of how to do that?
Hopefully this helps, Its a simple script that calculates the offsets and makes sure that the scale stays consistent.
Hopefully this helps, Its a simple script that gets calculates the offsets and makes sure that the scale stays consistent.
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Hi william_harley. This is very insightful!
Many thanks!
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