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Root » Houdini Engine for Unreal » Utility Widget - World Input
I just watched the videos on utility widgets. [] Does anyone have any examples of how to use the World input in a blueprint widget? I have a selection of grouped geo taht I want to input into a world input but not sure how to implement in the blueprint. Any help would be much appreciated.
Cody Spahr []

The API docs should have you covered here. You can use the `Create Empty Input` node and set its class to WorldInput. Set the input objects to your selection. There are several ways to get the assets in your world, if you already have them selected, you can use I `Get Selected Assets` node and feed that output directly into the `Set Inputs Object` node.

Follow all the outputs/inputs for wrappers and Houdini API from that image and that should have you cooking(pun intended).
Cody Spahr []

The API docs should have you covered here. You can use the `Create Empty Input` node and set its class to WorldInput. Set the input objects to your selection. There are several ways to get the assets in your world, if you already have them selected, you can use I `Get Selected Assets` node and feed that output directly into the `Set Inputs Object` node.

Follow all the outputs/inputs for wrappers and Houdini API from that image and that should have you cooking(pun intended).

Thank you for your help. I had another question if you don't mind? Basically I'm promoting an object merge as an input for my HDA and the set input doesn't seem to work. Either that or the "bind event on post instantiation" doesn't seem to be getting called for some reason. I did a print log and my step one prints but the step 2 for the bind event does not print not sure what I am doing wrong. Or if I am setting the input correctly for the object merge param on my HDA?
Cody Spahr
No worries. Looks like you need to take the (Return Value) from the `Create Empty Input` node, and feed that into your (Target) for the `Set Inputs Object` & (In Input) on `Set Input Parameter` nodes. Both are coming from some other variable, it's a bit blurry to read. But I think if you swap those around, it should work fine.

Here is an example I have working with world inputs on an Object Merge parameter. This grabs everything in my level with that tag, and adds it to my input.
still doesn't seem to work for me
Hopefully this is a better image
If anyone bumps into this, you have to check your event delegate to work in editor in the details panel.
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