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Full Version: Feather Deintersection
Root » Technical Discussion » Feather Deintersection
I have an ongoing issue with the feather deintersect node.
Once applied to a groom, for some reason it deletes some barbs from a certain amount of feathers. I have tried multiple settings and
can't find a way to prevent this.

Could anyone help me here? I'm losing detail due to this and it leaves me with some empty stems.



Lead groom @Untold
I'm currently dealing with the exact same problem. Did you find a solution?
That sounds super frustrating! I’ve dealt with similar issues before, and sometimes small tweaks make a big difference. Have you tried adjusting the intersect radius or playing with the tolerance settings? It’s kind of like crafting a good punchline for fat jokes []a little adjustment can bring everything together perfectly. Let me know if it works for you!
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