Hey, I'm running into an issue trying to export a cloth sim. I go to export and get an error. I'm reading it might be a licensing limitation? I'm using Houdini Apprentice v 20.5.370 - Py3.11

Or it might be I'm overlooking something, though I've gone over the video multiple times and I'm not sure what component is missing.

The vid is also 3 years old so some say features may be deprecated. Though since this is my first few times using Houdini it's hard to know. I noticed some of the layout and naming changed.

Here's the official vid :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8y0QVmdpnc&list=PLXNFA1EysfYn686NxzYbKxm845eOIwDPA&index=4 [www.youtube.com]

Here's the file:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dv2zihmjxw6zwu6u7p0qg/Cloth_Test.hipnc?rlkey=kbwal3rnu896olqvbe6hvb1ka&st=hk691c47&dl=0 [www.dropbox.com]
