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Root » Houdini Engine for Unity » Can't work with curves
Please help! I'm trying to figure out how to work with curves in HDA. I downloaded the official resource with the tree and the rectangular curve. But no matter what I do, I don’t see the curve in Unity. (Picture 1)
At the same time, the Houdini Engine plugin works for me. I can create a curve node in the viewport. But what's the point of it? (Picture2)
I have read all the documentation and have not found any way to connect this curve and my HDA.
The documentation also indicates the old interface, as far as I understand, problems began to arise after updating Houdini to version 16.5.
Perhaps I missed something?
I've been trying for 3 days to create an asset that will work with a curve from Unity. Please help, I'm desperate. Thank you.
Best regards, Anton
Cody Spahr
Hey there, you will need an input in your HDA for curves. This tree is built around the V1 Houdini Engine plugin workflow where embedded curves in your network would be set as editable. Now in V2, you can just set up an input, and in Unity just plug in as many curves as you want. It's a much more flexible system, easier to set up, and the idea is it gives you more control in Unity.

In the HDA, just set the max inputs to 1(find this by right clicking the HDA and go to type properties, and it's under the Basic tab), then in the network replace the `curve_Tree` node at the top of the network with your new Input node(see image). Save that and now in Unity you can set your HDA to use curves and select them from your world.
Cody Spahr
Yes. Thank you! I figured it out. The point is to replace the loaded HDA in the window - add an input to the Input nodes in which to specify a new curve from the Houdini engine. Then it connects my HDA to the new curve that I create directly in Unity. This is what I wanted to achieve

Unfortunately, I had to spend a lot of time figuring this thing out. I have come across many similar questions related to the curve, but I could not find an answer.
Thanks for your help.
Cody Spahr
Yes. Thank you! I figured it out. The point is to replace the loaded HDA in the window - add an input to the Input nodes in which to specify a new curve from the Houdini engine. Then it connects my HDA to the new curve that I create directly in Unity. This is what I wanted to achieve

Unfortunately, I had to spend a lot of time figuring this thing out. I have come across many similar questions related to the curve, but I could not find an answer.
Thanks for your help.
Hello, may I ask which version of Houdini and the Unity plugin you're using? I can't get the plugin to work on any version except 20.5.278
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