Here is the error code I got.
Error: Deadline was unable to find Houdini 20_5 on the machine Workstation.
It tried and failed to find the render executable at these configured locations:
C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 20.5.000\bin\hython.exe
Deadline checks each of the above paths and will attempt to run only the first program or script that is present on the file system. We attempt to provide the typical defaults for you when possible.
For local render nodes, you will need to ensure the particular software is installed and ensure list of globally configured locations is accurate for your installation.
To configure a custom location, in the Monitor while in Power User mode select Tools -> Configure Plugins -> Houdini, then provide the path to the executable you would like Deadline to run for this plugin.
If this is a Thinkbox provided AMI for AWS Portal, it may be that the AMI in use does not support this particular application. Please ensure the image has the correct software and version available.
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(Task task, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)
Image Not Found