I got a question regarding node updates between Houdini versions. Perhaps I am missing something really basic here.
I have an HDA which has a "Render Var" node inside of it. It was made using one of the Houdini 19 versions. I now see in Houdini 20.5.278 that this "Render Var" node has a "Husk" tab with some extra settings.
My question is, how can I have my HDA's automatically update to latest node versions, for example this "Render Var" node?
The problem I have is that I currently have to make a new Render Var node, then copy the data from the old node onto the new one and then save the HDA again. Is there not a "refresh" or "upgrade" button somewhere, so I can the extra tabs/settings from the latest new node?
Render Var node inside HDA made in H19, Seen here:
New Render Var node from H20.5 seen here: