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Root » Houdini Lounge » Installing on MacOS
Hello everyone!

Soon I will be using a macbook while I'm away from my main computer, but there is one question that I can't find the answer too. I emailed SideFX support but was told that they don't know the answer.

I would like to have the ability to switch between the intel build of Houdini (for compatibility with plugins), and the native apple Silicon build for the performance.

Once I have the apple silicon build installed and running, can I just install the intel build of Houdini through Rosetta? Or will that cause licensing problems?

Thanks for your help!
It should work without issue. The license server is a separate process so it shouldn't matter.
Thanks for your reply! I've been pretty worried about messing up my license.

I'll give an update when I'm able to try it out.
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