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Full Version: Merge a wavetank flip sim seamlessly with the ocean spectrum
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Merge a wavetank flip sim seamlessly with the ocean spectrum
Hello everyone. I've recently been experimenting with wavetank fluid sims and ocean renders. But i can't for the life of me get the two to merge seamlessly. I must have watched every tutorial on YouTube but they all seem to skip the part.

In the pics below I've just used a attrib vop to displaceme the geo directory just to show. I use Solaris Karma ocean procedurals to displace with the spectra normally.

But either the sim and spectra waves get added ontop of eachother, or the spectra gets flattened out resulting in a really obvious seam no matter how I seem to balance the masking. Is there a better way then masking, or am i just doing it wrong haha?
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I'm currently also experimenting a lot with this. Sometimes it's not visible at all and sometimes there's a noticeable seam. When I'm using a rectangular mask (as you obviously do in your example), I've never managed to let the seam disappear. That's why I'm always using a round mask. This is not always ideal, as I have to make the tank much bigger to fit the whole simulation in.
in the guided ocean layer there is a "flatten outside bounding box"

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