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Root » Rigging » APEX renaming subnet outputs?

I've noticed that when I promote ports (inputs and outputs) they appear on the input and output nodes with the correct names fed into the graph::PromotePort nodes.
When I graph::PackSubnet my nodes, the subnet inputs are still named properly but then my subnet outputs don't carry the named ports when the main graph output node does...

I can't find a way to have those named properly.
Any suggestion?


when you pack the subnet it will use the portnames of the nodes that are being packed. So if the output node of your subnet is a multiply of blend then the output port name will be "result"
I know that's how it works but in this case, I would have hoped it would use the already promoted, named AND connected ports from the output node to also rename the subnet output because in the end, my nodes are still promoted to an output, it's just the subnet output instead or the main graph output.
That would help a lot with readability but that's the way it is. I've opened a feature request ticket.

Moving on from this, you're suggesting I need to rename the output of my last node being packed before packing? I haven't found a node that allows me to just rename ports though. It's doable manually so I assume there must be a node to do this as well.

Anyone know what node this would be?
Awesome thanks for the RFE. What I can suggest in the meantime is to first pack the subnet and then promote the input and output, that way the port naming will be kept.
I see, thanks for the example!
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