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Full Version: Filter vertex by the referenced point in group filter?
Root » Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Filter vertex by the referenced point in group filter?
In the geometry spreadsheet, there is a column called `Point Num` for vertices. However when I try to filter vertices by specifing group `@PointNum==0`, nothing is matched.
By checking the python object, I found that `PointNum` seems not to be one of the attribute of vertex.

Is there any way to filter vertices by using group syntax? I just want to quickly find the vertices referencing some point.
For example, I want to check the uv of vertices referencing the point 233 currently.
I know this can be done by adding some SOP node, but maybe some way more convenient exists?
It is not necessary to explicitly specify a group for this case
It is not necessary to explicitly specify a group for this case
Thank you for the respond, but sorry for my midleading explanation.
I want to filter out all vertices that reference point 233, instead of all vertices in prim 0.
What you show in the picture is to filter out all vertices in prim 0.

It should be like this:
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