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Full Version: Apex Nodes Beta Properties List
Root » Rigging » Apex Nodes Beta Properties List
Hi SideFX Team,

it would be super awesome, if we can get a "temporary/beta-documentation" of possible node properties. Like "How-to-lock-an-abstract-ctrl" etc. I know we are in Beta right now, but this would help so tremendously, even a document with an unsorted list of stuff or the most important ones, just to see whats possible and getting used to the syntax etc. I only find bits and pieces from some great resources ( especially Max Rose and Brundlethwaite, thanks a lot guys for helping the community!!!!). Would that be possible? Or is this planned for the stable release.

Thanks anyways for always being innovative, so far Apex is a lot of fun and I'm very excited about the final release


These are being changed for the next major release so we don't really want to document these at moment. In 20.5, there really isn't anymore more than what you already see.
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