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Full Version: APEX Lego 2D face rig
Root » Work in Progress » APEX Lego 2D face rig

Wip of my lego character rig

Some cosmetic changes to the face rig and attaching it to a body, and it will be done. Some features of the face rig: Booleans are used to shape the form of the eyes; they can blend between a cube and a sphere for more control. The mouth UVs are UV projected to an orthographic view after bone deformation so that the teeth and tongue shapes remain undistorted. The mouth also has skeletal and Geo blendshapes. An external cop network keeps all the textures and gets updated when we finish move the joint or we key it.

almost finished . Actually not just a face rig but a whole lego character rig that can be reused without any or just slight changes.
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