Hi. I am using a shortest path node and a fuse node afterwards, which leaves me with 1600 points on the mesh. When I add a resample node with everything inactive (I use it only to get the curveu attribute), the points increase to 260k.
Why do I get an increase in points when no resampling option is active? The viewport does not show any visible change.
The second question is in regards to activating the resampling options of the node:
You can notice that I get overlapped edges, almost like a spiderweb at some mesh areas.
I am not sure why resampling contributes to overlapping edges when the original mesh "looks" clean; I am just trying to increase equidistant points, but I get an irregular distribution of points with multiplication of edges on top of each other.
Is it possible that the shortestpath + fuse displaying clean edges does not show that I have several overlapping edges, and when I resample, they become visible?
Thank you