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Full Version: How to: Camera Look At Primitive in Solaris?
Root » Technical Discussion » How to: Camera Look At Primitive in Solaris?
I’m trying to aim a camera (Solaris level) at a point.
Here’s what I’ve done:

Imported the point from the geometry level via SOP Import.
Used the "Look At Primitive" parameter on the camera and set it to /sopimport1/points_0.
However, the camera doesn’t aim at the point as expected.

I’ve attached a HIPNC file for reference.
Any help would be greatly appreciated—Merry Christmas!

Houdini Apprentice Non-Commercial 20.5.420
There are probably many ways to do this, here's one:

Stick your point position into a detail attribute (in SOPs), that automatically ends up in a primvar after the sopcreate.
Then add an Xform, and after that you put the previously stored primvar onto the xform as a translation.

Then you point the camera's look-at to the xform, and not the primitive where the position came from.

You also may want to cache this, which I have not done in this example (see attached).
Thank you for your example - it works! It has helped me understand the difference between SOP and LOP levels. I must admit that I’m still getting familiar with it. It seems that in the LOP level, data flow is based on a centralized scene graph, rather than being sequential like in SOP. Additionally, nodes directly reference scene graph addresses, requiring transformations to be explicitly created.

Best regards,
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