from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import time import json import base64 import io import html import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry def service( client_id, client_secret_key, access_token_url="", endpoint_url="", access_token=None, access_token_expiry_time=None, timeout=None): if (access_token is None or access_token_expiry_time is None or access_token_expiry_time < time.time()): access_token, access_token_expiry_time = ( get_access_token_and_expiry_time( access_token_url, client_id, client_secret_key, timeout=timeout)) return _Service( endpoint_url, access_token, access_token_expiry_time, timeout=timeout) class _Service(object): def __init__( self, endpoint_url, access_token, access_token_expiry_time, timeout): self.endpoint_url = endpoint_url self.access_token = access_token self.access_token_expiry_time = access_token_expiry_time self.timeout = timeout def __getattr__(self, attr_name): return _APIFunction(attr_name, self) class _APIFunction(object): def __init__(self, function_name, service): self.function_name = function_name self.service = service def __getattr__(self, attr_name): # This isn't actually an API function, but a family of them. Append # the requested function name to our name. return _APIFunction( "%s.%s" % (self.function_name, attr_name), self.service) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return call_api_with_access_token( self.service.endpoint_url, self.service.access_token, self.function_name, args, kwargs, timeout=self.service.timeout) class File(object): """Pass parameters of this type to API functions as a way of uploading large files. Note that these File parameters must be specified by keyword arguments when calling the functions. """ def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename class ResponseFile(object): """This object is returned from API functions that stream binary content. Call the API function from a `with` statement, and call the read method on the object to read the data in chunks. """ def __init__(self, response): self.response = response def __enter__(self): return self.response.raw def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.response.close() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Code that implements authentication and raw calls into the API: def get_access_token_and_expiry_time( access_token_url, client_id, client_secret_key, timeout=None): """Given an API client (id and secret key) that is allowed to make API calls, return an access token that can be used to make calls. """ # If they're trying to use the /token URL directly then assume this is a # client-credentials application. post_data = {} if (access_token_url.endswith("/token") or access_token_url.endswith("/token/")): post_data["grant_type"] = "client_credentials" response = access_token_url, headers={ "Authorization": u"Basic {0}".format( base64.b64encode( "{0}:{1}".format( client_id, client_secret_key ).encode() ).decode('utf-8') ), }, data=post_data, timeout=timeout) if response.status_code != 200: raise AuthorizationError( response.status_code, "{0}: {1}".format( response.status_code, _extract_traceback_from_response(response))) response_json = response.json() access_token_expiry_time = time.time() - 2 + response_json["expires_in"] return response_json["access_token"], access_token_expiry_time class AuthorizationError(Exception): """Raised from the client if the server generated an error while generating an access token. """ def __init__(self, http_code, message): super(AuthorizationError, self).__init__(message) self.http_code = http_code def call_api_with_access_token( endpoint_url, access_token, function_name, args, kwargs, timeout=None): """Call into the API using an access token that was returned by get_access_token. """ file_data = {} for arg_name, arg_value in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(arg_value, (bytearray, File)): if isinstance(arg_value, File): file_data[arg_name] = ( arg_value.filename, open(arg_value.filename, "rb"), "application/octet-stream") else: file_data[arg_name] = ( "unnamed.bin", io.BytesIO(arg_value), "application/octet-stream") for arg_name in file_data: del kwargs[arg_name] post_data = dict(json=json.dumps([function_name, args, kwargs])) # urllib3 renamed the method_whitelist argument to allowed_methods, so # handle different versions of urllib3. retry_kwargs = dict( total=3, status_forcelist=[429], allowed_methods=["GET", "POST"], backoff_factor=1, ) try: retry_strategy = Retry(**retry_kwargs) except TypeError: retry_kwargs["method_whitelist"] = retry_kwargs["allowed_methods"] del retry_kwargs["allowed_methods"] retry_strategy = Retry(**retry_kwargs) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy) http = requests.Session() http.mount("https://", adapter) http.mount("http://", adapter) response = endpoint_url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token}, data=post_data, timeout=timeout, files=file_data, stream=True) if response.status_code == 200: if response.headers.get("Content-Type") == "application/octet-stream": return ResponseFile(response) return response.json() raise APIError( response.status_code, _extract_traceback_from_response(response)) class APIError(Exception): """Raised from the client if the server generated an error while calling into the API. """ def __init__(self, http_code, message): super(APIError, self).__init__(message) self.http_code = http_code def __str__(self): return "%s %s" % (self.http_code, self.args[0]) def _extract_traceback_from_response(response): """Helper function to extract a traceback from the web server response if an API call generated a server-side exception and the server is running in debug mode. In production mode, the server will send back just the stack trace without the need to parse any html. """ error_message = response.text if response.status_code != 500: return error_message traceback = "" for line in error_message.split("\n"): if traceback and line == "": break if line == "Traceback:" or traceback: traceback += line + "\n" if traceback: traceback = error_message return html.unescape(traceback)