I have to often nodes, that fail on scene load, for example curve Sop nodes. they then have no curve information stored. That is quite annoying, as there is no way to see it when saving the scene and one have to find a backup with a correct node.
Does this look familiar to You?
Load warnings for //hades/p/_projekte/TRW/300_work3D/fx/102/020/065/Wind/TRW_fx_102_020_065.Wind_sim_v002.mma.h19.5.hip
GeometryIO: Unable to read magic number (empty file)
GeometryIO: Unable to read magic number (empty file)
GeometryIO: Unable to read magic number (empty file)
GeometryIO: Unable to read magic number (empty file)
Can you dive into those nodes and see if everything is there? Sometimes crashed files have missing bits or wires. Personally I've never seen those kind of messages.
I found that this (rather annoying bug) pops up when I open up a .hip file that does a lot of cooking on startup and I esc-spam the heck out of it to try to get it to stop cooking everything automatically. My guess is something related to the interruption of the cooking of the scene somehow breaks the data stored in the curve stash (the infamous magic number...) Can't really reproduce it consistently enough to submit a bug report though.
Copy that. I have used a curve SOP and made tons of changes to a curve, just to find when reopening the project a day later all changes are completely broken, and hours of work are lost. I guess I have to bake the geometry to be save next time, but this is very, very annoying.